Chapter Fifty Four

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I was contemplating ditching gym when Sienna, the girl with the gold digger step mom and dead dog, appeared by my side, looking just as done with life as she had the first time I met her.

"I hate this fucking school," she mutters, and I feel a smile form on my face.

"Come on, it can't be that bad," I say, still looking into the gym with cautious apprehension. Who created dodgeball anyway?

She scoffs. "Do you wanna do this?" She asks me, and I feel my head immediately shake no. "I've very little choice in this, my father will freak out if I skip class." I tell her, as I begin to drag my feet to the rest of the class, pulling her with me as I go. "And if I have to do this, you have to do this." I meet her eye, smirking.

She literally pouts. "Why? I personally could care less if my father freaks out," she tells me and I shrug. "Fuck this place!" She says, but a little too loudly, earning us a glare from Coach Michaels.

"Let's go, girls!" He hurries us along and so I return his glare, adding my WTF and then "calm down" look as I reach the rest of them. "We haven't got all day to wait for you!"

"Then stop complaining and begin the class!" Sienna retorts, throwing a hand up for good measure. And all I could think was; I love this girl.

I manage to catch Ella's impressed smirk, and she nods at me in approval, she'd won Ella over too.

"That's detention, both of you!" He barks and I literally gape back at him.

"I didn't even say anything!" I argue, disgusted. But he simply glares at me, and if he wasn't such an asshole, I'd probably have melted in a puddle at his feet. Cause this man is fine with a capital F.

"You were late to class, and you have a bad attitude!" He bites back before instructing everyone to split into teams for dodgeball.

"Fuck this place!" I hear myself mutter, followed quickly by Sienna's chuckle. "What did I tell you, we should've cut this jerks class!" She reminds me and I nod once, rolling my eyes. Very fucking true.

So we got through dodgeball, and my loser team lost, shock horror. And as soon as the bell rang I beelined to the locker rooms, but Coach Michaels called out to me, asking me to stay behind.

Not wanting to test the mans patience any further, I stood by the door to his office, waiting for him to come back out as the last of the guys from my class noisily exited the gym.

"What's the problem, Jaida?" His voice startles me, my head whipping up to face him.

"I hate dodgeball." I say simply, shaking my head. "But I don't have a problem, you deemed me guilty by association and made my already horrible day even worse." I tell him, not caring that I was adding disrespect to the list of punishable offenses in the strictest teacher in schools eyes.

He actually chuckles, before shaking his head. "You come to my class with a disgusted look on your face every single week, no matter what we do." He takes on his serious look again. "I can just about live with that, as long as you show up to my class on time and actively participate without aiming your looks at me." He tells me and so I do what I've learned works best. Back the fuck down.

"Yeah of course," I agree. "I'm sorry for being late to class, and having a bad attitude." I make the necessary apology.

He nods his approval before handing me a pink slip of paper. "I'll email your father, but it's a formality that you have him sign that note and bring it back next class." He tells me and as I unfold it, I find it's a note about my bad attitude overall and my tardiness today which earned me detention.

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