Chapter Fifty Five

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Jaida, Ella and an unknown face filed into my car as soon as I arrived at the gates. The unknown was taller than both my girls, with long blonde hair and a sullen expression on her face. Shock horror, Jaida attracted a damaged one.

Ella sat in the front seat next to me while Jaida and her friend, Sienna, climbed in the back of my jeep.

"Hey Mr Fitz," Ella greets me and I smile to the girl who'd won my heart without trying.

"Hey Els," I give her a wink before turning back to my daughter who had an apprehensive look her face as her friend tried but failed to keep from gawking at me.

"Dad, this is Sienna," she gestures to her friend. "Girl, please don't call him Mr Fitz, it's Alex," she tells her and I chuckle, nodding along.

"Yes, please don't call me Mr Fitz, Ella just does it cause she knows it makes me feel old." I smirk and Sienna laughs, showing her sparking white teeth and her tongue piercing.

"It's nice to meet you, I hope it's okay that I'm coming over," she greets me politely and I nod to myself internally, she knew how to speak to parents at least.

"It's no bother," I wave it off before turning back in my seat and shifting into gear. "So, what are you in for?" I ask Ella, eying her curiously as she squirms.

She lets out a sigh before speaking. "Nothing major." She says, evasively and I cock a brow. "Oh hell no!" I retort. "You get detention, then you tell me why you've gotten detention. Unless you'd like me to find out for myself, but if I have to do that.." I trail off, watching her pout.

Ella was whacky. But Ella was more emotionally damaged than anyone I'd ever met. She constantly bounced around the place, reminding me of someone high on speed and taking a negative reaction to it, but despite it I had a terrible soft spot for the girl. I wanted to wrap her in cotton wool and protect her from everything that ever hurt her.

Her living with my neighbors was strategic, I wanted Jaida to have a friend nearby and I wanted it to be someone who could be moulded into a successful human being, and Ella was worthy of that time and attention. But I didn't want to have both girls under my wing at the same time. I needed time with Jaida first, time to get to know my daughter and as I did that, I realized it wouldn't be as easy as settling one then taking another.

My saving grace was that whatever went down between Madison and Jaida that day healed something inside of her. She wanted Madison to love her and she wanted to be able to love her back even when the going got tough. I knew if I settled Jaida into this new routine, I could look at giving Ella the time she needed. And boy did she need it.

"Something about a something inch rule violation," she mutters and if she were mine, I'd tell her to speak up, but as it was I settled for her answer.

"And what was the violation?" I push, knowing she didn't wanna have this conversation with me. Sienna and Jaida had sparked up conversation about how hot Jamie was, shoot me in the face, so I knew it was just Ella and I in this conversation.

Her eyes flicker to mine as she chews the inside of her lip. "A kiss." She mutters, while looking at her hands.

I roll my eyes internally for two reasons; firstly, what's with that school overreacting to everything, and secondly, why did I have to drag that information out of her.

"Fantastic." I respond, heavy in the sarcasm. "Was that so hard to admit?" I ask her, allowing the hint of amusement I felt to filter into my tone, watching her sideways as she watched me right back apprehensively.  

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