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Leo watched and just huffed. He felt really embarrassed...he knew that boy didn't say those things, it was Julia, he didn't even know who Julia was when she was alive, why was she doing this to him, he didn't deserve this.

The day was short after that, a few more classes he went without a bag, he never could find it. Upon leaving once it was the end of the school day, he came across a small bin of items labeled 'lost and found'.

He wandered over towards it, looking inside and there it was, his bag. He quickly grabbed it and pulled it over his shoulders, soon getting shoved roughly out of the way and into the brick wall. "move it," a stern voice lingered through his ears.

He tensed up slightly to the harsh tone but ignored it, just relieved to have his bag back. He didn't know where to go and wanted to find Ronnie to ask where the busses were, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Leo then attempted to find an adult but all of them seemed occupied with other lost students.

He never found the buses, he ended up having to walk home, or try to at least.

He held the straps of his bag as thunder roared above him. He flinched to the loud noise and suddenly just fell onto the sidewalk. He was gently breathing heavily, holding his head. The thunder sounded like a gunshot, he was reliving when he got shot not long ago.

He got down like he had done in the past when the store was shot up. He was shaky and terrified, just waiting to be shot once again.

The thunder got louder in his mind, he clinched his hair tighter and muffled whimpers left him.

A couple of kids on their bikes seemed to have noticed and rode close to him, "scared of a little thunder, scaredy cat?" they teased as they rode through a thick mud puddle, splashing mud onto him. It got all over his face and clothes.

Their laughs faded off as they rode off into the distance. Leo was still freaking out rather than really hearing what they said, he assumed it was nothing nice.

He felt like he was in danger, constantly being held at gunpoint as the thunder continued to loudly rumble and roar.

This lasted for a rather long while as all of the kids walking to their own house seemed to stare, like this was definitely something they haven't seen before.

His breathing evened out just a little as he slowly lifted himself up off the ground with his arms. He wiped the small tears that had formed in his eyes.
He slowly stood up with a stumble, his vision was slightly blurry. The loud thunder above still left him on edge.

He looked around, paranoid, and just kept walking. He was walking rather quickly. He didn't exactly remember where to go from here, he was now kinda just lost. The clouds seemed to get darker and darker by the second. Leo knew it was going to rain, that was great, just his luck. As assumed, it started to sprinkle; he sighed deeply and pulled his hood over his head.

The rain got a little harder as it was soon down pouring and soaking him and his things. After a while of walking he found a bus stop and sat under the little awning. He sat his bag next to him and just sat there, staring at the store in front of him. There was a sign with a gun and an 'X' over it, it read 'Violence is never the answer.' He glared at it and just sat there, leaning his head back.

He heard a car coming as he looked over towards the road where he saw a familiar car speeding his direction.

"He's right there, mom," Ronnie mumbled as he had spotted Leo sitting on the bench, soaked and shivering.

Susie immediately pulled the car up to the bench and rolled down Ronnie's window, "Leo! We've been looking all over for you, you never got on the bus, Ronnie said."

Leo only slowly got up and opened the door to the back seat and got in, sitting his stuff on the floor boards.

Susie watched him with a nervous smile, "soo- besides missing the bus, um, how was your first day?" she asked, keeping a soft tone as Leo just looked out of the window, facing the same store with the same sign, "it was okay," he mumbled, a straight face. Susie nodded slowly and began to turn the car around to go back home.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now