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Leo sat up. The window to his room was closed. It was most likely to make sure his room was as dark as possible so he'd sleep. However, this wasn't the case.

Leo was awake now, and began to pull at the IV. He didn't want to lay in this bed any longer. For some reason it felt like tiny needles were piercing his back. He knew this wasn't real, but it bothered him.

He was unable to build up the courage to pull the needle out. The area was numb, so it didn't really hurt, but he just didn't feel like causing any trouble.
His head felt better, but his chest and face hurt like shit still. It wasn't a very pleasant feeling.

Leo then slid his hand slowly over and felt around for the little button. The one that would call a doctor.

He found it on the side of the bed and pressed it. As expected a man in a white coat came in. He had a concerned look on his face.

Leo was questioned on what was wrong, then he spoke.
"I want up.." The boy muttered quietly. He didn't seem to give a tone or even an annoyed expression. He again, felt completely numb to any emotions at the moment.

"I'm not sure we can allow you to get up just yet, we just started serving lunch, which will be up shortly." The man informed.

Leo couldn't care less about food, he already felt sick anyways.
The doctor could tell something was up with Leo's sickly expression.

The man went over to him and unhooked the wire connecting to the IV and other things that could be restricting him from getting up.
Leo was able to get off of the bed himself and went straight to the bathroom.
The boy leaned over the small toilet and threw up anything he could have possibly ate. His stomach stung like the acid inside was burning his organs.

His arms and legs shook as he threw up into the toilet for a good minute and then sat over it for another. His legs felt weak, he just felt weak in general. The floor was cold to his legs and feet as he had lazily sat on his knees in front of the toilet.

The doctor stood outside of the door and knocked softly. "Take as much time as you need, I'll send a few cleaners in there when you're done."

Leo looked over at the door for a second. His mind felt dizzy and his limbs seemed to constantly shiver as if he was cold, but he was actually quite warm, and a bit sweaty.
He stupidly looked back into the toilet to see his recent vomit, causing him to throw up even more.
He was making disgusting sounds as he did this.

Despite feeling like he was going to pass out, Leo managed to stand back up to his feet. The smell of overly clean walls and floors overwhelmed him. It was the classic smell of a hospital. Leo always hated that stupid smell.

It had been an hour after that. Cleaners were tending to the bathroom and Leo was brought into another small room where they had begun to check up on him like a normal doctor's visit.
Leo would rebel against their help every now and then but he wasn't that much of a hand full.
They checked his pulse and heart rate, and then his diet and nutrition. That's when they noticed something very off.
"How long has it been since you properly ate?" One of the nurses asked.
Susie and Ronnie were there, sitting in the two chairs across the room.
Leo quickly glanced at them and then back to the nurses. He gave a shrug.

They were all pretty concerned and then turned to Susie, who had a worried expression. "I don't understand, I cook for him every night," She quietly spoke. Her hands were trembling. She had dark bags under her eyes like she didn't sleep at all last night.

"Do you make sure he eats it?" The nurse asked, still leaning most of her attention onto Susie.

"Well usually he stays in his room, and I bring it up if he wants." Susie now looked at Leo. "Why haven't you been eating? Is my cooking bad? How can I fix it.." She seemed pretty stressed about this. She knew starving was a way to hurt himself.

Leo shook his head. He didn't like seeing her this way and he knew because of his petty decisions, she suffered.
"It's not your cooking, everything just makes me feel sick...and then I end up just...throwing it up," he would explain a little more about how food didn't sit well with him. The nurses were onto it quickly. Something had to have been in his system before to make his appetite so dangerously low.

They pulled up his medical record from years ago and recalled that they did have to pull a bunch of drugs from his system when he was 12.

Susie had to leave the room, full of sorrow and slight guilt.

Leo knew it was his birth parents' fault for the unnecessary dosing when he was a kid, but Susie showed unusual behavior after the doctors had brought it up.

"We'll get you the proper help you need, and it seems you're struggling with a few other things as well. How are you on Clozapine?" The nurse asked.

Leo had no idea what they meant by that, looking at them with a confused glance.
Ronnie got up and left the room, following his mom.

"What are you talking about?" Leo asked quietly.

The two adults exchanged glances before the other clarified Leo's concerns, "Your medication?"

Leo gave them a soft glare of confusion. "I don't take any." He answered honestly, this earning a concerning nod from the doctor.

"I see, we'll give you the proper paperwork you need to get you prescribed, we'll tell your aunt to come up here tomorrow morning to pick it up, does that sound good?"

Leo sat and thought about this, he was finally going to get the help he needed, there would be no more bugs, no more melting faces, no more Julia...or...Julias.

Leo didn't give this no bad thought and immediately nodded, anything to end the constant problems.

After a short while, Leo returned back to Susie who was signing a clipboard of papers. He didn't give this any thought, however his gaze focused more on Ronnie who seemed to be occupied by his phone. Leo didn't have one of those, but Susie did mention getting him one when she gets the money. Leo wouldn't know how to work it anyways.

Soon after a short conversation between Susie and a doctor, Leo was released to head back home. Susie was told to eventually get some sort of answer of what happened from Leo. She of course didn't want to strain him for them, but she knew he wasn't going back to school until she figured something out.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now