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Leo had managed to get some sleep pretty early. He drifted off at around 12 AM, sleeping for a good three hours before he woke up once again by shuffling, this time it was much…much closer, almost as if it came from the same room. He opened his eyes slowly and sheepishly, then he saw it.

A figure stood in the doorway for a good minute before it's low, stern voice spoke up, sounding like it was angered. Leo immediately recognized it, William was the figure.

"Where is it." Leo's uncle asked as if it wasn't a choice to not answer.

Leo at first was confused but then it hit him. He had remembered he hid the drugs in a different spot, and his uncle couldn't find it…

The question is, how did William know? Leo's mind traveled back to when he had come to his door, stood there then left, it was the night before.

This had to give the man a number one suspect when it came to the stuff going missing.

Leo of course wanted to play it off as if he didn't do anything but the man seemed already as if he was going to break the boy's neck if he even dared to say something wrong.

So he stayed quiet, a lump peering at his throat.

"I said…..where is it-" William's voice seemed to deepen as he hit the door frame with the side of his fist, just loud enough to startle Leo, but not alert Ronnie who was asleep in the nearby room.

Leo jumped more awake now as he clinched the covers in extreme fear. He had to give him some sort of answer….didn't he. Taking a deep breath, the boy spoke. "Where is…..where is what?" Leo asked, trying to put on that act as if he really didn't know.

This answer only made matters worse as Leo saw that his uncle began to approach the bed he was in.

Leo, jumping into fight or flight mode, immediately pulled the pillow out from under his head and threw it at the man as hard as he could. He knew well that a stupid pillow wouldn't do much, but he wasn't just about to let this man touch him.

William aggressively let out a growl and yanked the pillow away from his face before it could collide with it.

Leo scurried a little, trying to get off the other side of the bed but the covers made it hard. They wrapped around his legs and feet as he was pushing them away.

Leo thought he was quick, but the man was quicker. Before Leo knew it, cold hands were wrapped around his throat tightly, closing off his airways. Leo's first instinct was to kick, kick anywhere and as hard as he could. However, the blanket that laid over them restrained him from getting good kicks.

Both of the man's hands were tightly gripped over the small boy's throat. No matter what Leo did, the grip only got tighter.

William leaned down to Leo's face and spoke. He was so close, Leo could smell the alcohol in the man's breath. So his uncle was also a drinker? Was he drunk right now? No he can't be. Leo wasn't sure how people acted while drunk, but he did know alcohol when he smelled it.

"Don't you fucking lie to me you little bitch," William's grip tightened again, so hard that Leo was almost too weak to struggle anymore. "I know you saw me last night, and I know you hid it. Now I'm going to ask one more time….where is it."

Leo couldn't lie, he knew this was a serious matter to his uncle, so serious that he was literally strangling his nephew for it. With hitched breaths, Leo felt the man let go just a little so he could talk. "B-behind the towels, under the s-sink—"

William finally let go, allowing Leo to breathe. He arched his back a little and took in deep breaths, practically panting for the air that was recently stripped from his lungs.

"Ah, so you did hide it." William muttered as he stood back up.

Leo caught his breath, still taking in deep ones, and had his hands on his own throat, rubbing it where the man's hands gripped.
William gave the boy an evil smirk raising his hand up and soared it through the air, violently slapping Leo.

The boy let out a rather quiet yelp of pain as the slap made his face sting. He could feel the sensation of the pain tingle throughout his cheek. Leo had already been crying just a little but this made him feel different…...Like he wasn't exactly mentally hurt by this.

"Don't you ever fucking hide my property again you worthless piece of shit, you don't even deserve to be here right now if it wasn't for your sorry ass parents who drugged you up all of the time." His uncle began to ramble.

Leo was in too much of a trance, he was staring at the wall behind the man, hand placed softly on his red cheek. His tance was broken by another slap to the face, this time harder.

"Listen to me you dumb bitch," William growled out.
Leo had fallen over onto his bed at this point, curled up and was back to reality. The pain wasn't painful, yet was, it was almost like he was amused by the sensation of it…..

"L-listening," Leo stuttered out as he covered his face, not wanting to get hit again, despite his confusing feelings towards it.

"If you ever touch my shit again, or tell ANYONE about it, i won't hesitate to put you through absolute hell." William warned, now stepping back. "In fact, I might even put your fucked up ass into an orphanage, and no, Susie won't stop me, she's already too far gone for that. And Ronnie doesn't give a rat's ass about you, and he never did," William continued to say horrible things to Leo, who only laid there and took it all like some wounded animal.

Small sniffles came from the boy as this only brought joy to the man's face. "yes, cry, cry to your imaginary family, because they're dead,"

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now