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Everything seemed normal again. His vision was blurry as he was facing the bright lights of the hallway. His face hurt, he had run into that door pretty dang hard, how did he not see it opening?

"Oh my god are you okay!?" a woman exclaimed and immediately helped him up, "why were you running? You know you shouldn't be running in the halls for this exact reason," she stated and moved aside to close the door so the students inside wouldn't hear her words.

"Can you help me.." Leo mumbled out and looked up at her. "Of course, with what?"

Leo turned quickly and pointed to where he saw the girl but she wasn't there anymore, just the empty wall where a trophy case sat.

He huffed softly and winced, rubbing his face again, that will bruise for sure.

"What's wrong?" with much confusion showing on her face and let go of his arm and stood up straight. "Do you need help finding your class I suppose?" she insisted.

Leo looked back at her and looked at the paper in his hand, he decided to just drop the fact that he even saw the girl, "yes....do you know where...." he squinted at the paper a little, "Mrs. Hampshire is?" he asked, clearly having trouble pronouncing that name.

The woman only smiled with a nervous laugh, "that's actually me," she pointed to the room number that laid over her doorway.

Leo looked at it then back to his paper, comparing the number to the one next to her name; it seemed right.

"Oh," he muttered quietly, Mrs. Hampshire only placed a hand behind his back and opened the door to reveal everyone staring at them....

Nothing really was taught, just a simple introduction to how things will work.

Everyone was giving these things called syllabuses. They explain everything, the rules, the time for certain classes for the grade, and of course, the list of supplies needed.

Leo's mind was literally anywhere but where it should be. It kept traveling over to the girl he saw, it was Julia.

Despite not knowing the school at all, Leo made it around quite well, with help of the teachers and such obviously. He didn't see Ronnie around at all, well they didn't share the same grade so that probably explains it.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now