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Rosie tugged on her son's arm as they stepped out of the car together. They were going grocery shopping.
Leo's quiet steps followed behind his parents as the woman held onto his wrist quite firmly. He couldn't remember a time when he used to wander by himself while being beside them, it was almost like they kept him away from everything, never letting him leave their sight.

The doors to the store opened automatically, allowing the small family inside. Leo was an only child, and his parents literally spoiled him.
"Ken, can you get a cart please?" Rosie spoke up, her rose colored hair fell perfectly over her shoulders. His mom was the definition of beauty, and his dad was no different. His parents were stunning, a perfect couple, but with dirty secrets.

"I'll get it!" Leo yipped as he pulled from his mother's grip and ran for the carts. The 12 year old was really ambitious, meaning he always wanted to achieve things, and possibly make his parents happy, but for some reason....they never let him, and got mad when he tried.
"No! Get back here, Leo!" Rosie shouted quietly, trying not to make a scene as her son only continued towards the carts and grabbed one. He pulled it from the others and sat his foot onto the bottom support area of the cart and pushed himself with the other foot back towards his mom who crossed her arms, clearly disappointed.

When he got there, he let go and backed away. The woman sat her purse down on the little pull-out area of the cart, giving the ginger boy a glare. "Behave," Leo gave a small nod and stayed by his mother's side. He wasn't sure where his dad went off to but he figured he went to do his business since he was complaining the whole car ride that he needed to do so.

Leo looked around at all of the shelves, touching and poking all of the bags and cans on the shelf. Rosie slapped his hand, telling him to stop, but he was so intrigued. Leo never came to shop for groceries that much, but when he did come, he felt like he had accomplished something for once.

Ken, his father came down the opposite side of the isle as he held a few things that they needed, such as bread and milk, the two main things any household would need as groceries. Ken sat the items down into the cart and ruffled his son's hair who tugged behind his mom, looking around at all of the food around him.

Rosie's heels clanked around the tile floors of the store as she pushed the cart around each isle. The wheels attached to the bottom of the cart were squeaky, this was annoying Leo.
"What else do we need Ken?" The woman asked her husband who was humming to a song that played in the car before they came, and looked over to her, giving a shrug, "I don't quite remember hun. I think you said something about getting stuff to make soft tacos for later," he explained; his wife giving an insisting nod. "Right, I forgot we were to make those for dinner," she began to push the cart again.

Leo stayed behind looking at some type of drink, they were colorful and in glass bottles. He had never seen anything like this before, he wanted one.
Rosie and Ken turned into the next isle; the sound of his mom's heels faded while she got further and further.

Leo looked through them as his small figure made it hard for him to reach the higher levels of the shelf. He stood up onto his tippy toes, reaching for a green drink, his favorite color, but his arm accidentally hit one of the lower ones, it falling off of the shelf and hit the tile floor, shattering. All of this seemed to have happened in slow motion but the sound it made when it it the floor didn't seem to sync as it sounded more like a boom other than a shatter.

That was because it wasn't the shattering glass that made that boom. Chaos filled the store as kids started to scream, and people began to run, abandoning their shopping carts and letting things fall onto the floor. Leo didn't know what was going on but he also began to panic, backing away from the shattered drink.

Before long there was another boom, it was closer this time, and it echoed his ears making him fall from the loud noise. It was like it was right in his ears. Everything was ringing and his vision went in and out of focus.

The boy hurried back up and scurried towards the back of the store, frantically looking for his parents who were seemingly no where to be seen.
His shoes made him slip around here and there on the smooth floor before something with a strong force hit his back.

1 2....and 3. The third hit knocked him down, well the first hit sent him into shock, the second was just added onto that shock, and the third finally slammed him onto the hard, cold floor. He was in immense pain, three bullets just hit into his back, and more bangs echoed the store and people all around scurried to leave...he had no idea where his parents were, and he had no idea what was happening.

It all was so quick. The pain was unbearable as the boy forced his tears back and stayed quiet so the possible threat would think he was already down, and not capable of anything. Leo just laid there...and as expected, he slowly fell unconscious on the hard floor. Dark red blood seeped out of three areas of the 12 year old's back.

He had passed out from blood loss in under a minute, with no information of what happened to his parents, and what happened to him.....

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now