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Ronnie came home on the bus, Susie now waiting for Leo's.
Leo came home on the bus from the school every day he had gone.
This worried Susie, her knowing that it was Leo's last day.
She just had that feeling in her chest that something bad happened.
William tried his best to push it off her shoulders but she was worried sick.
Ronnie was annoyed by this as he usually was when his mom seemed so caught up over Leo's problems.

As expected, Leo's bus came, but he didn't get off. It drove by completely clueless of the fact Leo was left. That school didn't give a shit about what it's students did to each other as long as  it wasn't on school grounds.

Susie jumped to action and called the police this time, filing a missing report.

Leo was a missing kid for about five hours. After searching the school and its nearby areas, Leo's hanging body was found.

Susie was in tears, she didn't know if he was actually dead or what.
It was confirmed that Leo was still breathing.

It wasn't long before he was taken to the hospital for immediate care. Leo had to get six stitches on his face from the knife and they cleaned up the blood on him.

Susie was the only one who went to the hospital with him. William and Ronnie didn't seem to bother.

Susie was so worked up that she just didn't care about what they did and what they didn't do. She held her nephew's hand tightly, in tears.
"...What did they do to you"
Her voice cracked and shook.


It was around 2 AM when Leo finally gained consciousness. The bright white hospital lights above made him wince and squint a little. He knew where he was when he heard the uniform beeping of the heart monitor.
The IV was stuck deep into his right vein.
If he was out there any longer he probably would have frozen to death from the cold night and would have never known.

He turned his head slowly to look over at his sleeping aunt sitting in the chair next to the bed. How long has she been here? And how long has he been here.

He forgot what day it was, and had no clue what time it was either. He assumed it was pretty late though.

A little after that, the nurse had found out he was awake and came in to inform him of what had happened and asked if he remembered who did it to him. They had to wash his clothes clean from the dirt and blood.

Leo honestly couldn't remember who it was. His mind was in a daze and his vision was still debating on if it wanted to work or not.

He could barely make out the nurse's face, staying quiet.

"I'm sorry but we're going to need an answer, this person did a very bad thing, and you're our only witness." The woman spoke. She didn't pry too hard as she knew he had just woken up.
She offered him painkillers, something he thought he didn't need before the pain really hit him.

Leo grunted and winced, taking them with the water she gave him.
Leo managed to sit up and do this. His hands were shaky.

Susie woke up from the speaking and saw that Leo was awake. Her face filled with relief to know he was fine.

The nurse noticed this and escorted her outside to talk.

The walls were quite thin, and Leo could hear them.
The nurse seemed to ask about Leo's home and school life considering she was the one person that had handy information at the moment besides him.

Susie wasn't one to lie, telling the nurse about Leo's problems with his Schizophrenia and all. Susie actually got everything quite did she know that without Leo telling her?

He didn't care to really think about it. He heard enough and began to pull the IV from his arm but they walked back in just as he attempted that.

The nurse came over and stopped him.

"I want to leave." Leo muttered in a calm, yet low tone.
"We still need to get things done with you first, make sure you're healthy and stable enough to leave. I assume you're probably going to be here for the rest of the night. We can't risk you leaving just yet, Leo," The nurse adjusted the medial tape over the needle in his arm.

Leo looked at Susie, seeming to tear up. "Don't let them do this to me...I want to go home please.." He seemed to plead both the nurse and Susie, rebelling against her adjustment to the IV.

The woman was surprisingly calm and only assured him that he was safe.

"Aunt Susie please.." Leo muttered finally giving the slight struggle a rest, already tiring himself out.

"He's clearly still skittish, this is why he can't leave yet..please tell him he's in good hands,"
The nurse explained to Susie who brushed passed and gripped Leo's hand again.
"Leo, hun, please let them help you. They can do way more than I ever could-" She was cut off by a cry.
"But I don't need help!" Leo pulled his hand away violently and pushed himself further back onto the bed.

Susie flinched and grabbed his arm tightly, making him freeze in slight fear from her grip. He flinched again, thinking she was going to hit him.
"Leo please calm down! You do need help, stop rebelling against people who just want to fix you!-"

He winced to her words. Fix him? Was it that obvious that he has been broken from the start?

"Shit..Leo I'm sorry I didn't mean to word it like that.." Susie muttered quietly, trying to calm him down.
He just looked at her, not even offended. He was emotionless.

Leo didn't bother to struggle anymore. He tired himself out.

He laid back down and stared at the lights above. He felt like he was going to pass out again. He thought the hospital was drugging him. Thanks to his parents, that's all he's known.

He could hear the nurse start talking to his aunt again. He was too tired to make out what they were saying, or really cared.
Leo took a few deep breaths and winced. His chest hurt, and so did his face.

He still couldn't quite remember who did this to him, he just knew it hurt like shit.

As much as he wanted to, Leo didn't put up another fight. He ended up staying the night there.

He was so tired, but refused to sleep. He could feel his insides eating eachother. It hurt.
It felt like he was being stabbed multiple times in the stomach. It wasn't anything he hasn't felt before, but the question was, why now?

It was basically morning by the time he actually fell asleep. Susie had to go home and check on her husband and Ronnie. She already spent enough time with Leo and she was assured he would be fine.

Leo however was paranoid that they were going to do something to him in his sleep. This was a different feeling than when he was here before.

He felt unsafe and just worried. He didn't want to feel like this. It was all just in his head and he knew it.
He could feel small urges to scratch his arms creep up his spine.

Leo knew they were nervous spazzes but he just couldn't resist.
Leo had done this all night, and when he did wake up, his arms were red and scratched. Leo had yet to notice the length of his own nails.
They didn't even itch, he had forgotten why he did this to himself.


"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now