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For most of the pre hours, Leo isolated himself like usual, keeping his hand in his one pocket where the medicine was stored. He made sure not to drop them.

Every now and then Leo would visit the bathroom for a mental check on his behavior. Everytime when he'd feel rage, he'd take a trip to the bathroom to calm down, but honestly it was just getting annoying, especially when most teachers wouldn't let him go.

It was a good thing most of everyone kinda left him alone at school, he didn't have to deal with extra drama on the side, and as for Ronnie, he kinda just stayed in his little friend circle.

Every time he'd pass by them, Ian would stop what he was doing and just stare, deadpanned. Leo knew he probably freaked the guy out that day, but none of that mattered, as he thankfully didn't have to talk to them anymore.

Leo eventually learned to tone his anger down, finally having a pretty decent day, and it's been like that for the whole week, that was until friday afternoon, during the lunch hour.

Leo stayed at his own table, debating on many things.

He was pretty much bored in his own little world, that is until he felt cold all of a sudden, and the world around turned a grey-ish color. It was like he was spinning, but he wasn't. Everything else was.

He looked towards the corridors of the lunch room, and he saw her, Julia was standing there, staring right at him.
He felt his throat tighten, the air was getting thicker, almost like he had to pant just to get a breath.

Leo slowly reached into his pocket to pull the pills out, scrambling to get the cap off in a hurry.

Julia tilted her head, seeming confused at the boy's actions. He didn't take his eyes off of her...he thought she finally left him alone.
He was wrong.

He could hear the laughter start up, and as then, Julia's frown turned into a wide grin.

Leo scurried more to get the lid off, eyes glued onto the ghost apparition with terror.

Suddenly a force hit him in the shoulder, causing him to drop the bottle, the tablets spreading everywhere.

Leo immediately got up to pick all of the little pills up, that's when he saw another hand pick up the bottle itself.

Leo shot up quickly, seeing who it was. Johnathan.

The boy straightened up and began to read the bottle.

"Clozapine." Johnathan started, "sounds like a type of tree."

Leo sneered, going to grab it, but Johnathan pulled it back out of his reach.
"What are you doing with this? Planning to drug my little sister now?"

Johnathan wasn't with his friends, but if he was, they'd probably be laughing.

Images of that night would constantly flip through Leo's mind. "Give it the fuck back, cunt.." Leo would mumble lowly, reaching for it again, this time Johnathan shoved him back into the chair he was just sitting at.

This caused a scene, people around started watching like this was a drama show, technically it was, but it wasn't Leo's fault this time.
"Get back, creep, don't touch me, you could have rabies." Johnathan teased, doing gestures. The leftover pills in the bottle rattled to his movements, Leo was watching it like a cat would towards a toy.

He could still feel Julia's eyes...or well...sockets.
Her laughter and childish giggles would get louder.
"Those aren't yours, and I don't care about your stupid sister,"

Johnathan messed with the bottle a bit more, dangling it in his face. "Not my fault you threatened her, and it's most definitely not my fault for what came next, you deserved that, little cunt, Just because you're younger than me doesn't mean it's not illegal to punt you, but you're lucky today, I don't feel like beating up a child."

Leo's breathing hitched, it wasn't like Johnathan's words were getting to him, it was more of what Julia was doing. Her whispers and laughs were getting to be too much.

Leo kept making eye contact with Julia, and then back to the older male. This caused Johnathan to get a bit curious, looking behind him towards the corridors as well. "What the hell are you looking a—"

At that exact moment, everything had kinda gone dark for Leo, he could hear his own heart beat, the giggles were still there, voices that rang.

'you did it'

'you did it'

As Leo turned back to lucidity, slowly but surely, the giggles were morphed into screams.

The sound of the pill bottle hitting the ground rang through his ears.

The whole cafeteria was freaking out. Leo was in complete confusion, then turned to johnathan.

He was holding his wrist, screaming out in pain. The joint was completely rotated, his wrist was snapped to the side.

Leo could still only hear his own breathing get fainter and fainter before a few adults came rushing through the crowd to the aid of Johnathan. His cries of pain were disgusting. That pain must have been unbearable.

It all happened in slow motion, but was it really Leo's fault?

Two adults helped Johnathan through the crowd. He turned back and pointed to Leo with a shaky hand and terrified expression. "y-you're crazy-" He'd remark before being pulled into the crowd and out of the cafeteria.

Of course Leo didn't get away with this. Two adults came up behind him, along with an officer who pulled his arms behind his back, motioning to cuff the boy.

Leo pulled at their grip, swinging his arms to make them let go. He couldn't compete with the two older males.

"Let me go!" He'd scream out in a terrified manor. His voice cracked.
"Don't touch me-" Leo said in a more calmer tone but that only got him handcuffed.

He couldn't go to jail- he was just a fourteen year old- that wasn't possible right?

The officer escorted Leo to the office of the school where he sat for about an hour before his aunt showed up.

The school board wasn't shocked as they all knew something happened with Leo almost every week, at this point they kinda just had enough.

"It was him-- He did this to me!" Leo shouted. By that time Johnathan had been sitting in the same room, his wrist in a cast like object.
"He hung me on that tree! I remember- I...I remember now!" Susie believed him, because the other adults just looked at him like he was crazy. Since the accident didn't happen on their specific school grounds, it was left for the authorities to handle.

Susie spent hours talking and calling with lawyers to get the situation handled.
Leo knew she didn't have the money to even afford one, but he also knew she cared. She was really trying to stop this mess, even if it stressed her out, which it was obviously doing.

Despite all the times Susie dodged hints Leo gave her about his struggles, he was still glad she tried. He just wishes she wouldn't assume so much, and to listen to him more.

For the rest of that night Leo could hear Susie and William fighting again. He believes it has gotten worse over the months.

He could barely sleep, his thoughts were louder than the yelling downstairs. With them all bickering at once, sleep was off the table.

Leo got up and went to his window, opening it again.
He climbed out and got onto the roof with a few struggles.

It was a nice night again, and since it was nearly summer, it wasn't as cold for the normal climate he lived in.

He situated himself into a safe area and watched the trees in the distance. Crickets chirped, frogs croaked. Those little noises made him feel calm.

His mind replayed what happened earlier that day. He almost couldn't believe his own strength, or was that even his strength?

He just knew that he dug himself into a deep hole, and that he'd be seeing someone in the morning.

Susie told him that he was gonna be asked a lot of questions, and he wasn't looking forward to that.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now