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He slowly moved deeper into the hallway full of laughter and conversations of who knows what. He wanted to find an adult to help him. He soon stumbled upon a group of what looked to be administrators and wandered up to them. He had stood there for a good moment waiting on them to notice since he was too scared to speak up first.

A pair of eyes landed to meet his as a warm smile appeared on their face. "Need anything, dear?" the feminine voice asked. An even bigger lump peered in Leo's throat as he spoke up, his voice cracking a bit, "Yeah, please," he fiddled with the strings on his jacket anxiously. "I need help finding my class..." he asked as if he wasn't very happy about the whole classroom thing. The woman only gave a genuine nod and gestured for Leo to follow her to the front office.

When they got there, Leo was led inside and to answer questions. After a short interview, he was handed his very own schedule that had six classes on it. He didn't choose them at all, four main classes and two extra curricular ones, being art and gym.

He was sent out, now facing the empty hallways, not a soul in sight. Leo slowly made his way down the narrow, long hallway of the school. The one main one split off into many others for each grade. He knew his grade would be a little in between the highschool and elementary grades.

He let himself wander down the hall, the walls seemed to close in the further he walked, he chose to ignore it the best he could. His shoes softly padded the ground, echoing the lonely hallways. The hallway never seemed to end, he couldn't even see the end of the hallway like he could before, it was stretching right in front of his eyes. He knew what was happening, why did it have to be now though, out of all time and places.. why right here, right now.

He heard giggling, it was echoed, it was more in his own head than actually in the halls. He turned to where he thought it came from. His eyes landed on a girl, her hair was long and brown; unkept and messy.

He bit his tongue, no way she was real. Before he said anything, the girl ran off down the hall, turning into another one. The halls had somehow turned into a maze like format.

Leo began to slightly freak out. He tightened the grip on the paper in his hand and began to chase the girl. Running quickly after her, following her through the halls. She was barefoot, no socks or shoes.

The sound of her feet hitting the floor echoed the hallway, letting Leo know where she had been.

Giggles began to echo in his mind, he felt like he had been chasing her for a while now, sick of playing cat and mouse.

He stopped at the end of the hall, breathing heavily. He looked up from being hunched over to catch his breath, seeing her at the other end of the hall. She looked as if she had nowhere to go, considering there was a wall behind and around her.

He slowly began to run again, seeing her slowly get closer and closer until- 'BAM' Leo swung back onto the floor of the hallway, he had run into an opened door of a classroom.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now