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Leo went to bed that night, going to sleep with a head full of thoughts once again. Leo didn't know what it felt like to be empty minded, and never will for a while. He couldn't quite get over the fact that he knew a secret no one else knew, actually he knew more than just one. His whole life was a lie.

Leo was woken up early by sound again. It was around 6:00 AM when he had gotten up. The sound was coming from the bathroom. He assumed immediately that it was probably his uncle shooting up his arm again but he was wrong. Instead it was Ronnie. What the hell was he doing up this early? In the bathroom being suspicious as well.

Leo wasn't having it as he opened the door all of the way to show himself. He wasn't even covering the bandages on his neck at this point.

Ronnie stopped what he was doing, which was trying to pull the mirror off of the cabinet above the sink. It was still shattered and maybe he just forgot to do it last night.

Leo felt frozen in a way as he thought he was onto something but it was only Ronnie trying to fix what Leo himself had caused.

"Why'd you just barge in like that?" Ronnie asked in a tired tone of voice, taking his hands off of the half hanging cabinet. "It's not like i'm planning to get away with murder or anything." Ronnie remarked sarcastically.

"You're being loud." Leo grumbled out tiredly.
"Aw I'm sorry, did i disturb your precious sleep? I really don't care, I needed to do this last night."
Spat Ronnie, being a snob.

"In honesty, you should be the one doing this, as you broke the damn thing, having one of your episodes."

"Not true" Leo butted in, getting defensive.

"Why else would it have broken? You're such a liar. First you lie about the grade card, and now this. I'm not stupid Fincher." Ronnie said before returning back to the mirror, pulling it off the wall completely. "Go back to be—"
Ronnie was cut off by Leo in a soft, yet stern voice.

"How do you know about the grades?"

Ronnie turned to his cousin with an unimpressed look on his face. "You're not slick, we go to the same school dumbass, I watched you throw it away and then I dug it out of the trash. I saw your grades too, I can clearly see why you're failing."

Leo's heart sunk, if it's not one thing it's another. Leo knew now why Ronnie had that stupid grin last night. He knew something was up, he could read Ronnie like a book at this point.

Leo kinda lost hope. "Let me guess...you're gonna tell your parents and hope you get something for your guilty pleasure of watching me suffer…" Leo muttered quietly, feeling defeated. If Ronnie had the paper, and the explanation, of course they'd believe him. Knowing that William hates liars, despite being one himself, who knows what he'd do to Leo. It made him want to just cry right then and there but he held back from that anxiety.

Ronnie took note at Leo's helpless state and grinned widely, having another idea and Leo knew it immediately.

He was about to fall victim to blackmail.

"I'll tell you what...I'll keep this just between us,"
Ronnie stated, pausing. This pause made Leo feel a bit relieved. "Oh thank y-"
Leo was cut off by Ronnie once more. "But- you have to do what I say, you know, like a personal servant, or some shit like that,"

Leo kinda just looked at him. It was obvious he wasn't a fan of that statement but was it really worth keeping the fact that he lied a secret? Yes, yes it was.
"I knew there was something you wanted in return," Leo mumbled softly. "I'll do it...but for how long?"

Ronnie gave a shrug and a smug grin. "As long as I want, nothing personal." He then shoved Leo out of the bathroom, snickering. "Sit with me at school today, schizo."

Leo stumbled back, having the door shut in his face. God he hated Ronnie so fucking much.

The noise went on in the bathroom, Ronnie being loud again. Leo was surprised that his aunt and uncle hadn't woken up yet because of it.

Leo left back to his room. He shouldn't have just barged in like that and maybe he wouldn't have had to deal with Ronnie's scheme he had planned. The look he had in his eyes gave off that he probably had something planned despite how they came across the situation.

There was actually no escape from Ronnie's sick intentions.


"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now