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Leo had completely blacked out, his mind consuming in darkness, whispers and howls echoed the empty hallways of his brain.
Voices of his aunt, Ronnie, his uncle, and even Julia were there, can't forget about Julia. She's always there.

Always there.

After who knows how long, Leo awoke in a hospital bed, once again. He had lost count on how many times he's been in this place.

Nurses and doctors rushed down hallways, brushing past his room.
He was exhausted.

Tight bandages were wrapped around his entire head just about. He couldn't see out of his left eye at all due to them.
Even though it was all still a blur, he remembered every second, every detail.

No one else was in his room, not even his aunt. He figured by now she must be really fucked up on whatever William was putting in her body.

It wasn't his problem anymore, he tried and tried but was only shot down even more.
How did his life turn into such a tragedy? And he thought what Johnathan did to him was bad, Ronnie really dug himself a deep hole. Leo no longer wanted to love him, accept him, he wanted to see Ronnie suffer, he wanted to see his face quite literally melt, and it not just be a delusion.


Sooner or later, the sound of heels inched towards his room. Leo already had a plan.

As if. The blonde woman peered into his doorway, a familiar face, but too hazy to think.
"Hey Leo, You can call me Nurse Ray, I'll be in here to take your blood pressure."
She spoke, her lips pursed into a small sheepish smile, a weak but gentle one.
Hey..he remembered her. The woman who he first met years ago, in this very bed.

"Ray?..." The boy muttered, voice cracking over the sound of his heart monitor beeping.
The woman stopped suddenly, looking at him with a look of confusion. "Yes?"
"I remember you..when I was 12?"

She gave a swift nod, and only a swift nod. This didn't surprise Leo, back then she seemed ecstatic to be his nurse, now she just seemed dull. Was it the trauma that came with her profession that wore her down? Or did she just not take interest in him anymore.

"Do you..know what happened?"
Leo asked, wondering if she knew the story, but she only shook her head. "Only enough details to know what treatment you need.." She spoke, taking out one of those blood pressure machines. "You have at most a 2nd degree burn on the entire left side of your face hun. Those bandages are temporary but it has to heal, I was told it was from chemical trauma," She assured him, holding out her bare hand to take his left arm in.

Leo lifted his arm weakly and landed it in her palm.

Yeah, he knew the story like it was seconds ago, he didn't know how long it's been, or if Ronnie got away with it. Who really knows.

Minutes later another person came running in, it was Susie.
At this point Leo couldn't give a damn, if she really cared she would have been here the second he was put into the ambulance. She should've been the first person to have heard about this.
"Leo! Leo dear god what happened to you?!" She quite literally shoved Nurse Ray from his side and embraced his stiff figure into a tight hug. He could tell she was genuinely worried, but he didn't know if the anxiety she suffered from was just a side effect from the heroine.

"Ma'am please wait outside until I'm finished." Ray suggested, turning towards the sobbing woman.

"I-I'm sorry I just need a moment please.."
Susie shuttered out of her shaky breath. Her ring covered fingers rubbed Leo's back in a soothing yet aggressive way, like anything could snatch him away at any second.

Ray scooted back in her chair and gathered everything. "As you wish, I'll be back shortly," She murmured before leaving the room.


"Aunt Susie?" Leo looked at her. The tears in her eyes and running mascara only told him that she had been crying for a while, even before she arrived here.
"You scared me! Running away like that and now this?! You're gonna kill me kid!" She sobbed more, tightening the hug. Leo knew she loved him, but was he really in the wrong for wanting to escape?

He fought back tears as well, staring at the wall across from the bed. He was only able to mutter out one thing,"Ronnie.."

Susie's grip loosened a little, pulling back just a bit to look at him again."What….what about him?" She mumbled.

Leo avoided eye contact, not sure if she'd even believe him, hell she barely did believe a thing he's told her in the past.

"My face." Leo dragged a hand across the rough bandages that hugged his head. "He took...he took my face." Leo stammered out, taking Susie's arms. "He did this to me.."

She stared at him, no expression, like her mood went from one thing to another in seconds. He started to question if she was even listening.

Just then did Leo catch glimpse at her arm. More bandaids….


"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now