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Once the car was parked in the driveway, Leo got out, leaving his stuff in the car. Susie and Ronnie got out as she watched Leo walk in emotionless. She sighed and looked at Ronnie who just followed after, on his phone.

"Did you really not know where the buses were?" Ronnie spoke up as Leo headed towards the stairs, but froze once the blond boy spoke.

"No, I didn't because you never showed me around like you should have," Leo mumbled and looked at him, glaring into the other's brown eyes.

"You really think I was going to keep my word? Especially to doing something like helping your stupid ass around? You're twelve years old for fuck's sake. You don't need somebody's hand to hold where-ever you go, grow up." Ronnie rolled his eyes, chuckling.

Leo tightened his fists softly and just let it go, "Please just leave me alone," Leo muttered then turned and went upstairs to clean himself up.

Leo went up to the room that was now his and grabbed some clean, dry clothes. He then went towards the bathroom and went in, closing the door. He locked it and stayed there for a second. He then began to think. Everyday will be the same for the next six years.

A month went by and it was now October 20th, Leo's birthday.

Susie tried everything she could to make it special but she was in so much debt, they couldn't even afford a cake. It was either a roof over their heads or a sweet treat.

Leo didn't really care for any party or celebration at all, not even his real parents cared much for his birthday. All they did was tell him that they loved him and took him to eat anywhere he chose.

Susie on the other hand was used to throwing parties and getting gifts, but she was in deep debt in money so she couldn't get much. Instead, she made a homemade meal for him and sat him down to talk about his mother. Leo was now thirteen years old.

The pleasant day didn't last long however, before Leo knew it, he was laying in his bed feeling sick to his stomach once again. He laid on his side and faced his window, hugging his waist.

He thought about everything, at night was when his mind really wandered. It bounced off present topics to past ones, then jumped into the future and this usually gave him horrible anxiety. He began to think what would happen if this or that happened, and how it would affect him.

His thoughts went to his parents, how their pure faces were now longer in his life, instead they roamed the heavens away and watched him from there. He wondered how his mom would think of how her sister chooses to raise him.

He clinched his sheets tighter and stared wide eyed out of the dark window from his bed. He felt like he was sleeping on sandpaper, it was suddenly itchy, and rough.

His thoughts then moved onto his new school. The others there weren't too welcoming. He didn't think kids would be so mean, and all he did was exist.

He shivered to the sudden cold atmosphere in the room as he closed his eyes. He thought moving to a public school wouldn't be so bad, but it was even worse than what he thought, which was already bad enough.

He wasn't sure why so many people disliked him. He was sure his uncle wasn't having fun behind bars, and it was his fault the man was put there.

Ronnie was strangely jealous of him, but he was sure there was nothing to really be jealous about. Yeah he had a pretty good childhood other than the sudden accident, but his parents weren't all sweet and lovable, they were a little too protective. They never let him leave the house without tagging along, or grow up going to public school like many others and make friends.

Because of them, he never got the chance to socialize and meet other people. All of this was because he was different, all because they were scared the others would throw him around because he wasn't exactly normal.

Because of them, he was behind on all academic topics. He was falling behind quickly already. The kids at school are starting to catch on and rudely tease him because he wasn't as fast as the other kids in his grade. He may be in 6th grade, but he's falling at a 3rd grader's level.

None of the teacher's want to help him, they seem to have shorter patience than anyone there.

Leo actually felt alone for the first time. If Ronnie knew this, he'd actually probably throw a mental party, who would have to be so cold as to want to make someone feel so alone to make themselves feel better.

He felt this way because even though his aunt is trying her best, she's just trying too hard, and it hurts when Leo has to watch her fail then fall into a state of depression because she feels like she's not good enough.

Leo didn't know how to tell her that she doesn't have to try so hard to please him. Just being there was enough, even if she's forgetful, and very sensitive.

Susie was a good aunt to him, though she does lie, she lies a lot. It's been two months since she had told him that she'd take him to a psychiatrist, and never did.

He was scared that she'd continue this act and he'd never get better.

Leo was in a bad place, his mind was taking him through the moments he did not want to live through again.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now