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Leo had ended up staying up half of the night watching these shows. He fell asleep on the couch, using the arm rest as a pillow and the jacket he was wearing as a blanket.

For some odd reason, when he thought of morbid things, he didn't see as many..creatures. Maybe when he thinks about the things he doesn't want to see, he doesn't see them. He had slept better that night than he ever has before, he even drooled.

Susie shook Leo awake as she was on the phone again, seeming a little more calm, but her mascara was a little messed up, maybe from last night, like she had been crying. "Get up honey," she said sheepishly as Leo shifted and slowly woke up.

He faced her and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "I made breakfast, if you're hungry.." she walked away and down the hall again.

Leo slowly slid off the couch and wandered into the dinning room where a nice plate of eggs and bacon laid on the plaid, clothed table. He pulled the chair out and climbed up into it. He stared down at the plate and bit his tongue. A small voice in his mind telling him all these things, that it could be poisoned, that it was made of rat skins and dog guts.

But there was another, yelling at him, he was hungry, he was frail, and pale, he needed to eat. He picked up his fork and picked up a bit of eggs onto his it. He put them into his mouth and chewed.

The texture drove him crazy. He immediately spat it back onto the plate. He closed his eyes tightly, the taste, they tasted burnt and gooey. He looked at them and nearly fell out of his chair, he saw blood and worms all in the food, they were squirming, maggots swarming the plate. He gasped a little and screamed, "bugs!" he yelled and pushed the plate away, "bugs, bugs, there's bugs!" he freaked out.

Susie came running down and looked at him, "where?" she asked, seeming frantic from his screaming.

Leo pointed to the plate, he was looking away from it as he covered his eyes with his other arm. Susie slowly walked over to the perfectly fine plate of eggs and bacon.

She sighed and grabbed his shoulder, "Leo...look at it.." she seemed calm as she tugged his arm away from his eyes and pushed the plate back to his direction.

He slowly looked down at it, it looked fine now..the only thing that looked out of place was the one bit of eggs he spit out. There were no bugs, or blood, just him seeing things again.

"Oh.." he stammered out and slowly put his hands onto the table and stared at the plate.

"All better?" Susie asked as she placed a hand on his head.

Leo slightly nodded, "alright, and I actually want to talk to you," she pulled off and went to the kitchen to clean up the mess that was made during cooking. "So, because William was arrested, and fired...his income got cut off, so now we have to live with my income, which isn't a lot....at all. So we won't be able to afford online schooling for you, since you grew up that way.." she explained as she put away dishes and ran a sink full of water.

Leo looked at her, not touching the food in front of him, still disgusted at what he saw. "You'll have to start public school this year," she went on.

"Wait no--" Leo started as he stiffened up in shock, "I can't," he muttered, his voice seemed a little shaky and shuttered.

"I know- I know, I'll talk to the teachers and hopefully they'll put you with others like you, a little behind.." She explained. A little behind? No, way behind, Leo was practically in a 2nd grade level of, everything.

He shivered and whimpered, pulling away from the table and stood up. "Please, can I just not go? I'll be fine- it won't...it won't work, I'm not even ready for my own grade level," he practically pleaded.

Susie looked at him and frowned, she felt so bad, how could she say this, "you'll be okay..please trust me, Ronnie will be there to guide you, hopefully, since you will be going to the same school. It's a nice school, they are very accepting to new kids, especially if they aren't ready.." she had a warm smile on her face as she faced the boy who clinched the table cloth. "It'll be fine, Leo," she continued on and pulled a few dishes into the soapy water to wash them.

Leo gritted his teeth in slight anger but held it in. He looked down and took a deep breath. He turned and just left, going upstairs.

"Leo?" she asked before turning around to face the empty dining room. She sighed and shook her head, "what am I going to do with you...."

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now