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He picked himself up, looking at the book in the toilet. It was soaked, not worth saving it. He picked it up and just threw it away in the trash bin, doing the same with the other pages that were ripped out. He was about to leave, until he noticed he forgot to pick one up.

He went down and picked it up, seeing it was just one of the 'strange' symbols he drew, it was rather unique though, he actually stopped to think of the designs he made while just boredly sitting in class.

This specific symbol was a cross like shape, with an 'X' crossing the middle. Now that he thought about it, this was that one doodle he made while hiding from a few kids in gym class. His mind was rather dark during that time.

He decided why not just keep that one page, so at least he'd have a piece of the now ruined book left to remember. He folded it up and shoved it into his pocket, then left to his next class, with the excuse of.......pissing himself.

The rest of the day went by painfully slow. He had gotten pushed around a few times by Ronnie's friends and a couple of people he didn't even know. This just proves how fast the rumors spread. Before he knew it, the stupid rumor that he still has imaginary friends lingered around the whole school.

He had followed the kids that rode the bus to the front of the school where they loaded up onto them, ready to go home.

His bus was bus 19, he swore he had seen that number before....he was having severe deja-vu. He loaded up onto the bus like he did everyday. He still had that paper in his pocket, the only thing left of the book he had and cherished.

Sure the school wasn't aware his parents had passed away, well his teachers were, but for some reason they didn't seem to care. He was sure they even knew that he had been homeschooled his whole life, and that's why he was so behind.

The only way he really excelled to the next grade was because his aunt literally begged them. He had just enough points to excel anyways, but he was always working so much harder than everyone else and barely got by.

They should all go easy on him because of this, and he knew because his parents were dead wasn't an excuse to act up like he was different, or special but he didn't exactly understand. Even if he just sat there staring at the paperwork in front of him, clueless on what to do, they would tell him that he was capable of better.

Leo made his way down the narrow pathway between the seats of the bus that sat on each side of the vehicle. He made sure to keep his balance since some entitled kids liked to leave their bags in the middle of the walk way, sometimes they tripped him.

As expected, on his way to the back so nothing could get thrown at his head, a kid stuck their foot out on 'accident' and it tripped him down.

He luckily caught himself on one of the seats. Half of the bus laughed, including Ronnie of course. He knew that Ronnie had started this, he started everything. "Shut up-" he glared directly at Ronnie, he didn't care about anyone else at the moment.

Ronnie only raised an eyebrow, "excuse me?" He asked, a fake tone of being offended.

"I said shut up-" Leo demanded once again until he was interrupted by the bus driver.

"Sit down," the man spoke, startling Leo a little, who now only balanced himself up again and stumbled towards the back of the bus where he then sat. He kept his eyes off of everyone else. He could feel their stare.....

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now