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The next morning Leo had gotten up and went to school. This repeated for days. It was the same everyday. Getting mocked for things couldn't help, picked on for being slower, and to top it all off...Ronnie was spreading rumors that of course people would believe since he did live with Ronnie. So definitely they'd be true right.

For some reason that one symbol he had made wouldn't leave his mind. It loomed over here and there, and he'd have an odd sensation to draw it again. On the windows covered in condensation, in his school notebooks, and even sometimes on himself.

His teachers were worried. They would sit and watch how he struggled but would sometimes draw and write concerning things. Upon what was all going on, and those crime shows, he began to think that maybe bad things weren't as bad as people seem to make them. Maybe just maybe one day...He could get away with doing something bad.

His aunt was told about this sudden off tone behavior and she immediately enrolled him into counseling. He didn't think he needed it, since he thought he was acting normal, but everyone around was getting worried.

The weekend arrived, and this Saturday was his first day at this therapy session place. Leo didn't seem too upbeat about this but he felt like he didn't have a say in the situation.

"Are you ready Leo? I'll be waiting in the car." Susie asked out before leaving the house to get into the car, starting it up to go.

Ronnie and William were to stay home and 'have father and son bondage' must be nice huh.
No telling what they'd do....but what did Leo have to lose besides his own life.
Leo slipped on a white collared shirt and buttoned it up. He wanted to at least look nice. His facial features showed that he was definitely unable to sleep, and the rest of his body language practically yelled 'Hey i'm dying!'

The boy left, going downstairs and passed the two others who seemed to be having a deep conversation. This man's bullshit never felt stronger. He just opened the garage door and got into the car with his aunt.

Susie gave a smile at the effort Leo put into his appearance. "You look nice," she said before backing out of the garage and onto the street. "This place is really nice, you'll love how at home you'll feel-" she continued.

Wow....where did he hear those words before everything went to hell and back.....

After a short drive, they pulled to a small, welcoming looking building.

Susie put the car into park and looked down, taking the keys out of the intermission and putting them into her purse. "These are very nice people, you can tell them anything." She looked at him with a warm smile.

Leo could tell she was hiding something behind those fake dimples.
"These people will keep your words locked deep inside, nothing will get told to anyone besides maybe me if you want me to know. Just don't feel uncomfortable or that you can't tell anyone what you feel." She opened her door afterwards and stepped out, shutting it.

Leo did the same, getting out and closing his door. He followed his aunt inside. Her words burned into his mind.

As they entered, the smell was like fresh carpet, like he had just walked into a clothing store or something.

The lady at the front counter gave them both a smile. Leo looked over to a small family in the waiting area. There was a middle aged woman sitting on her phone as there was a kid playing with one of those toddler toys to keep them entertained. They must be waiting for an appointment.

The kid looked to be around five years old and really into that toy. Leo didn't mean to....but he continued to stare. His stare was emotionless; his mind was blank. Susie tugged on his arm and he quickly snapped back and looked over. She gestured to the woman behind the counter who was looking directly at him. "And how old are you, Leo?" She spoke, her voice sounding as if she was talking to a five year old.

"Fourteen," Leo stated before looking back at the family, only to see that they weren't there anymore. He was shocked. Did they leave?.....or were they even real to begin with.

The woman gave a face as if she was kinda shocked. He was sure Susie had told her what type of behavior Leo had been giving what? Haven't seen a fourteen year old feel the same before?

After a few more minutes of talking, Susie had filled out a form and had Leo fill in certain things as well before they were told to wait in the sitting area and that the assigned therapist would be out to get him in a short while.

Susie went to sit down on one of the couches as Leo did the same. He felt very uneasy. He looked over across from him where that family was. There was nothing, just empty seats, not even a trace that they were there to begin with either.

They waited for what seemed to be twenty minutes before a man in a formal suit walked out. He had black rimmed glasses that were circular and his black hair was neatly kept and combed back.

Leo looked over, assuming that the man assured over to Susie that he was the therapist Leo had been assigned to. They choose based on who the therapist had helped, and how successful the session had gone. Assuming this was a concerning situation, Leo thought this man was probably the best out there, or at least in this office.

"Mr, Fincher?" The man spoke out, his voice was deep and smooth. It honestly gave Leo the chills.

Susie smiled and stood with a nod. Leo doing the same.
The therapist walked over with a welcoming smile and shook the woman's hand, now reaching down to shake Leo's. Feeling it would be rude not to, he shook it.

'....His hand is so cold' Leo thought as he pulled his own away quickly with a shiver.

"Yes, that's us," Susie spoke as she placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. He flinched when she did but didn't let it bother him that much.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dr. Ethan, and also assuming this young man is here to see me?" The man insisted.

Susie gave a nod and tightened her grip on Leo's shoulder. She was nervous, he could tell.

"Alrighty, nice," Dr. Ethan gave a smile and turned his attention towards the boy, a shimmer in his eyes. "Would you like to go into my office and start this up now?" He had a genuine smile, yeah, but Leo felt like he had secrets.......dirty secrets.

Leo gave a nod, now following the man to a door which opened to a hallway. Leo looked at all of the other offices on his way down the stretch.

Before long, the two entered a clean office. The bright white lights beamed strongly above. Once Leo entered, the man closed the door behind.

"Have a seat," the man assured the boy who then sat down on the small chair on the other side of the desk.

Dr. Ethan went around and sat down at his desk with that same smile. "What's your name? Son," he asked, folding his arms over the table.

Leo just shuffled in the seat and looked down.
"Leo...." The boy muttered out quietly, and the session began.

"Ah, Leo Fincher," Dr. Ethan spoke as if he was awed by the name. "Suits you."

Most of the session were just starter questions. Questions like how Leo feels about certain things, and if he ever had violent tendencies planned out.

Leo didn't see a reason to lie, he answered every question honestly. He wasn't sure how to think about all of this. Did he like this? Did he hate this? His emotions were all over the place.

"I'm sure you go to school right? How do you feel about it? Do you like it? Do you have any good friends?" The man spoke out calmly. He pushed up his glasses and rested his arms over the journal he had seemed to be taking notes in, notes on Leo's responses.

The boy only grew mentally distant and cocked his head down. He wasn't sure how to answer that question. After a short moment of silence, he looked back up to face the man. "School is fine," he muttered quietly and began to fiddle with his hands. "But sometimes it can be a little hard....especially since I'm-" he paused for a second to take a deep breath then released it, sighing, "different."

"Different, you say?" The man gave a look of slight sorrow. "Kids will be cruel, what can I say, but what exactly makes you so different, Leo?"

Leo only glanced at the window behind the man. The natural light shone through perfectly. "I'm not as fast as all of the other kids...and I barely make good grades," he opened up a little more. "I'm at a third graders level, but I'm in eighth grade..." he explained.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now