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Leo was in a daze, staring at the front board as the teacher continued on the lesson. His mind was everywhere but where it should be, but could anyone honestly blame him? School was the least of his worries, in fact it just added to the stress.

Leo was so far into his daze that he didn't even come to realize a dark red substance slowly flowed down from both of his nostrils.

The teacher was the first to notice as she was quick to hop onto it as well. "Leo, dear- your nose is bleeding," She announced to him, but the rest of the class seemed to hear as well of course.

Upon hearing his own name, Leo came back to reality to see the crimson red stains that had dropped onto his paper. Out of pure embarrassment after seeing the scene he had caused, he covered his nose quickly.

"Here," The woman grabbed and handed him the hall pass. "Take a trip to the nurse-" She insisted. Leo took the pass and left the room.

He did not go to the nurse, instead he went straight to the bathroom. Leo couldn't breathe all too well, his throat was closing up and his lungs felt as if they were to collapse at any given moment.
Leo locked himself in a stall and sat with his legs up on the toilet. Taking deep breaths, he tried to calm himself.

Leo's nose was still leaking the red substance as he frantically grabbed at the toilet paper and held it to his nose.

He felt very light headed, as if he were to fall out.

Hearing the bathroom door open, Leo fell quiet quickly and covered his mouth, along with holding the papers to his nose. Footsteps slowly inched towards his stall, they sounded wet...they weren't the sound of shoes.

Leo closed his eyes tightly and buried his head into his knees. He could hear a small whisper. It cooed to him.

"Leo~" a girl's voice sang out.

The boy opened his eyes to see a pair of bloody bare feet standing from under the stall.

Leo knew this was all just in his head. He clinched his hair tightly. His eyes were wide and locked upon the feet under the stall. The voice didn't sound like Julia's....was this that other girl Julia was talking about? Leo couldn't see her face, just the bloody feet that stood from under the stall.

"Do you remember me? Leo?" The girl's voice rang out. "I'm the girl you saw in the hospital a few years ago.." The girl informed him. Leo was of course a little shaken up by this, considering he wasn't sure about the situation.

"Leave me...alone-" Leo spoke, now pushing up against the toilet a little more. He had a lump at the back of his throat.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Leo. I'm just here to tell you that I was never real,"

Her words hit him. The time he saw her back then...he was just hallucinating? How? It seemed so real back then.

"Wh....w-wait," Leo started, "what do you mean? I.....I saw you-"

She only giggled. "You did, but no one else could." She explained. "You see, Leo, you never know what's real or what's not anymore. It seems your case is not just what you think. Maybe......it's something else."

She spoke. Her voice seemed to swirl around him, clogging up his ears until eventually it went quiet. A small giggle rang out. "See you on the other side~" She cooed before vanishing.

Leo came back to reality, or was it really reality. How could he tell anymore, what if all of this was just in his mind, what if he was slowly going crazy.

"are you okay in there?" a boy's voice spoke out, startling Leo. "Who are you talking to?" The kid continued on. Leo ignored him, and slowly opened the stall. He could see bloody footprints lead to the door...the bathroom was much dimmer than it was when he first came in here, and the lights were flickering a bit too. He wasn't sure if this was just him...or if it was actually happening.

"hello?-" The other boy opened the stall and that's when he saw Leo, but Leo didn't see him. "Are you oka-" the boy was cut off when Leo hurried out of the bathroom and down the hall. He followed the bloody footprints he saw, mixed into reality.

The giggles got closer, and closer. The prints led him outside but as soon as he opened the door, they were gone. The giggles slowly faded away, leaving Leo to stand there and look like a complete idiot. Some of the seniors sitting outside on the benches began to laugh hysterically at him.

"Are you looking for someone? I didn't see anyone come out here," one of the senior boys spat, earning a few laughs from his peers.

Leo shot a glare and turned away. He began to leave the campus completely. He never returned back to class, and went straight 'home.'

The walk turned into a full sprint as Leo began to run down the street and towards the so called place he called home.
After almost getting run over multiple times, and taking a few wrong turns, Leo finally made it to the house. He was panting and all sweaty.

He went up to the door where he opened it to see Susie sitting on the couch.
"Oh, Leo hun you're home early," she spoke, a worried tone clouded her voice. She seemed to hurry up and stash something away into the small bag she had next to her.
"Aunt Susie..." Leo muttered out weakly as he approached her slowly. "I-I think it's about time I......." He paused, not knowing how to get this out. He wanted to tell her many things but only one could really have a positive outcome.

Leo spoke out in a voice of monotone."I see dead people."

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now