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Chapter 4

Another year had passed, Leo continued to attend public school, the kids in his grade got worse, now mocking him and pushing him around physically.

Why? Rumors spread like wildfires, maybe even faster than that. People had witnessed Leo's little 'episodes' and of course took this the wrong way and decided to tease him about it, not even knowing that he was schizophrenic.

The teachers caught on and even tried to ask if he took medication for it so it wouldn't be as bad but he wasn't sure how to answer. His aunt still yet to get him his proper treatment, she did have to pay bills and such however, he wasn't very upset about it, but he really did need his prescribed medication.

If Susie kept this up, it'll only get worse, and worse, until it won't be able to be treated just by taking a few pills here and there, more like having to isolate himself in a confined space and just live the rest of his life there.

The kids didn't only tease him because he interacted with things that weren't there, but it was also because he was behind on everything, no one would help him, not even the teachers. They were going too fast for him to keep up so he'd fail all of the tests then get told that he should do better and that he was capable of better. Better, better, better.....

No one seemed to understand him now, even Susie, she was changing, she seemed more depressed, and closed off. When Leo would try to talk to her about how the school was going too fast, she just waved him off and went back to her work.

Leo felt like no one would listen to him, like he was ignored and looked down on to become better, or shamed for something he didn't do, and told that it was his fault.

As for now, Leo just had to live with it, even if the kids made it hard for him. Ronnie wasn't all so quiet either, every now and then, Ronnie and his friends would shove Leo around, poking fun at him.

He had just chose to ignore it, ignore it all.

Leo was now calmly sitting in his 5th class of the day, doodling in the small book he had gotten for his birthday a year ago. It was the only thing his aunt could give him since it only required a small dig into the closet.

He doodled all sorts of things, from weird little stick figures to strange symbols, they were all over the pages, and by then he had already filled out half of the tiny journal. He had decorated the front with black and grey tape and put his name on the front so if it got lost it would be returned to him.

He doubted he would ever lose it however, it was given to him with the information that it belonged to his mom before. Just like his jacket that he still wore to this day. He had kept up with the book for a good while now, ever since he had gotten it.

His pencil lined the clean pages ever so nearly, he was good with controlling his shaky hands It was a whole lot better than how they used to be around a year ago.

He was in his own little mind, a world he called home. His actual home was sitting in his mind, his parents still remained alive and he had friends. His family actually supported him. These were all things he wished were true, that was why his mental wishes were considered his home.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now