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Leo looked down and pushed open the door to the spare bedroom, a bed already laying against a corner, a window next to it and a nightstand in front of the window.
The closet was on the opposite wall of the bed, empty and wide open. Leo never liked closets, he's had bad experiences with closets, even closed ones. At his home, his closet was full from the bottom to the top with boxes and other things. His closet was the house's storage facility due to him constantly telling his parents that someone was in there. Every kid has went through that phase, the monsters under the bed and closets, but Leo saw things. Every night he tried to sleep but would find himself facing the open dark closet where he's seen claws resting on the doorframe coming from the closet and it would be darker than usual. It looked like it led to a void. Because he was so young, his parents kept telling him it was just his imagination, but it just kept getting worse that he'd ask to sleep with someone every night because of the thing in the closet. They then solved the problem but stacking things in it and closing up the door. Either way, Leo still saw things, everywhere. It was getting out of hand, so bad that he was found sleeping on the floor of his parent's room when they woke up and nearly tripped over his small sleeping figure. Leo was taken to a psychiatrist and after a long talk and therapy session he was diagnosed with young schizophrenia, that explained a lot to his parents. He began to take medication for it and it kept him stable enough to sleep in his own room again, it helped a lot on his end.

Sitting down on the bed, Leo stared at the open closet but then he just noticed, the closet didn't even have doors at all. This was going to be a little hard to process for Leo and nights would be a struggle for him.

Leo decided he'd pass the time looking around his room, and maybe even the house a little. The boy stood up and took note of the painted wall and soft carpet beneath his feet. He walked around the bed and towards the window, slowly opening the curtains to the bright natural lighting. Leo squinted just a bit to the brightness.

When his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked out and saw the road and the front lawn, a few cars went by. A forest laid across the road from the house, resting his hand on the glass he stared at the trees, oh how they moved in the soft wind, he could hear the leaves rattling in his mind, echoes of a soft whisper as the whirls and howls of the wind hit the leaves and the thin pines creaked and cracked to the wind.

Then suddenly he was there..It was all blurry, looking up, he didn't feel like himself. Then he saw it, a car accident, people running in panic. A small girl injured and laying in the window, that girl, that same girl. He stood there in shock then took a deep breath. He was back by the window-- what did he just whiteness?..

Backing away, he fell onto the bed with a huff, he must be having heavy thoughts again, did he just see the accident that girl was in, a strong emotion pulling at his chest, he wanted to meet her, or did he. He didn't know, and it was bugging him. He closed his eyes and clinched his hair, heavy images flashing in his brain.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now