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Leo would wonder about Julia and the other girl every now and then, about what they did and what they meant when they gave their words to him. That whole situation made him feel overwhelmed just thinking about it.

He had another appointment with his therapist in a few days anyways. Despite his hatred towards the man, he had to open up to him. If anyone would try to help him through this....it would be Dr. Ethan.

The door opened to his room and the woman peered inside. Her voice was lifeless, and cracky, "Have you eaten today?" Susie spoke.
Leo turned slowly, facing her from his bed, "no." He responded, very monotone.

"I made some spaghetti if you want any, I haven't really seen you eat a full meal in weeks." She explained.

Leo only held his breath, having no words to give at her offer. He only noted that she wouldn't leave without some sort of reply.
"I'm not hungry," he said, biting his tongue to hold the lie in.

"Okay," She muttered quietly and shut the door, leaving Leo alone in the room again.
He felt bad for lying to her, but he just wasn't in the mood to feel sick again.

The day went by shortly after that.
Susie opened his door again, holding a plate full of spaghetti in her free hand. "Hey, I brought you food anyways in case you change your mind. It may be a bit cold but you can always warm it up." She explained now sitting the plate on his dresser.

Leo faced her from his bed, "thank you..." his voice was rather hoarse. She smiled warmly at him before speaking, "yeah, of course. Can we talk?" she asked.

Leo stared for a good minute, hesitating to answer. "uhm, yeah.." he responded.
Susie walked in and closed the door behind her, giving the two privacy. "So I have been thinking, you told me that you uh.....see the dead?" she started, bringing up the incident from a day ago.

Leo didn't quite know how to respond, he was speechless. She actually remembered? He figured that the whole situation was just his derealization acting up.
"uh..I-" he sputtered, cutting himself off and had second thoughts about bringing the situation up again.

"I never told you that-" Leo held the lump in his throat back, screaming at him to just tell her.

'She's here to listen, why are you being stubborn now? You want her help just ask for it you dumbass'

His brain was screaming at him but he was ignoring it.
"I don't know what you mean..." He continued on.

Susie stood there, quietly as she took in his response. "So you never did?.....i could have sworn you told me, and i just acted as if you were in grief..I wasn't thinking..." She slightly rambled.
"I'm sorry i just thought you said something to me that was along those lines, I apologize honey..I haven't been getting much sleep so my mind is kinda all over the place. Uh- i also meant to ask- was it you or Ronnie that broke the bathroom mirror?" She went on. Susie kinda talked with her hands as if she was nervous about talking about this.

The longer Leo stared at her, the more he could read her body language. This woman was keeping a lot of things bottled up, hints to why she's so nervous with just thinking about them.

Leo slightly twiddled his fingers around each other as he confessed. "I did, I uh-...saw a..spider and sorta punched it-" He lied. He couldn't tell her what really happened, because it would just debunk the lie he told her just then.
Susie had a concerned look, not sure what to really think about Leo's accusation, but she didn't have the mental capacity to question things any further. "Okay, heh I don't like spiders either." She reached for the door and began to leave. "Anyways, yeah, there's some dinner if you're hungry now, just warm it up if you'd like, love you,"
Susie left Leo's room, closing the door again.

'Why do you lie to her Leo?' a familiar voice whispered to him. It almost sounded like Julia's, but something was off.

Leo looked around, expecting to see someone, but this time it was just verbal.

"What do you want from me..." Leo mumbled out, scooting to the edge of his bed.

'Tell her, Leo, tell her what William did, tell her what you see...'

It spoke out, seeming to be followed by multiple giggles. The voice was echoed, like she was speaking into a tunnel or cave.

"I-I can't just tell her" The boy scooted closer to the edge and stared out of the window. "I'm scared.."

'Of what? It's not like you have anything to lose, face it Leo, you're too pathetic. You beg and cry for help and when someone responds you push them away....Reminds me of how I used to be.....before I died'

Leo now knew that this was definitely Julia taking the form of another tone of voice.
"Please just leave me alone, you're no help, you're just a burden and you'll always be" Leo slightly snapped. This earned a small moment of silence from the dead girl before her voice creeped its way into his mind once more.

'And to think people don't think the same about you, Leo?'

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now