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Leo got up on shaky legs with the help of the man's arm and set out to explore the floor. Nurses down the hall scrambled around with paperwork.

Finding Leo's paperwork laying on top of the huge stack, Nurse Ray picked it up and examined it. She sat down with a look of slight shock.

"There are so many things wrong here," she murmured, tracing her finger down the files and information on the orange-haired boy, "His birth parents, they're-," she cleared her throat with an anxious pause, "-they're not on here."

A hand was placed upon the nurse's shoulder, followed with a deep sigh.

"It's definitely a strange one, but there's nothing wrong with him," the man huffed, taking the file from the nurse's hands and reading it over himself, "just a mild case of schizophrenia and a slight concussion, nothing too severe. We can prescribe him the right medication and that should be enough."

He glanced at her. Nurse Ray stood up and straightened her skirt.

"Alright, I'll be right on that--it's just so strange, why aren't his parents on there? Shouldn't they have signed somewhere?" She was still curious, but the man gave a sigh and shook his head.

"Go get the medication, someone has to tell him eventually." The man turned and left, the file held in his hand, and disappeared into the next room.

Leo was now wandering the halls. Older residents of the hospital were giving him dirty looks, or were they? He wasn't quite sure what was real anymore, everyone around him seemed calm.

Leo fiddled with the band around his wrist. The dark ginger-haired boy continued to walk his way down the stretch, looking into open rooms. There were a lot of adult patients, at first he thought he was the only 12-year-old here, that is till he came across a room he was drawn to.

Leo looked up at the room number, his bare feet grew a little cold. Room 19 Was what it read, so many bad experiences with that number, a report of a girl found dead in a ditch, 19 stab wounds, about 19 people were injured in the shooting three days ago. He definitely had chills.

Leo scooted closer to the paper pinned outside of the room, it read the patient's information. This girl was in a car accident, she barely survived, and was 12 years old. Leo backed up just a little and peeked inside, what he saw made him freeze in fear, he clinched the hospital gown anxiously as he stared at this sight. The girl-- her nose was bleeding and her mouth was open, her eyes, they were rolled back. She looked completely zombified and it terrified the boy.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now