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Leo was led back to his room and was given proper assurance and assistance for a good night's sleep. Laying in the bed of the hospital room, back to the beeping of the heart monitor next to the bed. He didn't know if he would be able to sleep again, the image of that girl's face still haunted him. He turned to look at the clock above the closed door, the only light he had to see, was the light of the sun setting outside his window. 7:34 pm.

Leo looked back towards the ceiling with a small huff, tomorrow he should be getting picked up by his parents, still-- completely oblivious to the fact, he would fall under the care of two other people he didn't exactly like that much.

The night was long and Leo did not expect to be woken up by a doctor unplugging his breathing mask and taking the IV from his arm.

"oh good, you're awake," the man spoke out with a genuine smile, "you're going home today kiddo."

Leo sat up from the bed, his arm now free from the needle that was once deep in his vein. After the doctor was all done with unhooking Leo, Nurse Ray walked in, a smile curled on her pink lips; she was holding a clean pair of clothes the hospital decided to let him have.

"here, change out of that old gown and into these clean, normal clothes," she handed them to Leo.

Sliding off the bed, he headed for the small bathroom in his room and closed the door. Leo pulled the gown off and winced a bit. Before he got dressed in the new clothes, he took this chance to turn around and take a look at the stitches on his back in the mirror.

Leo turned to look over his shoulder to his back. Three patches of stitches laying in three different areas on his back. He looked down with a small sigh. He picked up the plain white T-shirt and pulled it over his head, grabbing the black shorts and pulling them up and over the underwear he had on under the gown.

"Do you think he'll freak out?" Nurse Ray rambled towards the doctor. "if-- he finds out that they're not his real parents," she stammered.

The doctor turned towards her, "don't worry so much about it, he'll probably think they can't make it to come pick him up," he assured. Ray gave a small nod and scratched her head in slight worry, she may or may not have found a liking to the boy.

"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now