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The school day went by. It was long and boring like always and the kids were cruel.
Leo wasn't as behind as he was before but he wasn't excelling quite enough to pass. He had gotten his report card that day, and had to make up missing work from yesterday.

Leo wasn't happy with his grades as they were no higher than C's and D's, even a few F's. Leo knew Susie understood, but he was more upset with himself than any consequence he could get.

Leo decided that he wouldn't show anyone. On his way to the bus, he crumbled it up and threw it away. Ronnie so happened to have walked by when he caught Leo doing so.

Ronnie didn't say a word, but he noted that Leo must be hiding his grades.

The boy got onto the bus and sat down at the front seat. He stopped sitting at the back a long time ago due to the harassment he received. This however didn't stop the silence that filled the bus as soon as he walked in.

Leo kept the bandages hidden with his jacket, having his hood up as well. The teachers didn't really care about it.

During the ride home the kids seemed to be less aggressive as usually the ride home was the worse with the bullying. He wasn't sure why they suddenly left him alone, but then he noticed it. There was a new bus driver. This new driver had rules, strict against bullying. Well that's a shit lie, how many posters has he seen before saying that 'stop bullying' shit and yet it never works.

Leo found that to be pure bullshit, yet the kids were dead silent, even Ronnie didn't try anything.

The bus came to a stop with an obnoxious squeal. They were home. Before Leo could even get up, Ronnie was rushing off, rudely coming down the aisle of the narrow bus.

As soon as Ronnie got off, Leo got up and followed.
When Leo stepped off, the doors closed and the bus left. He turned to see all of the kids just staring as the bus drove off down the street.
Why did they always have to stare?

Leo walked into the house and immediately went upstairs, dropping his bag. Ronnie oddly didn't go straight to his room, instead he went to Susie.

Leo shrugged it off as he remembered that he trashed his report card. Being in a different grade, maybe he could get away with claiming that he didn't get it yet.

Leo got up to his room and took off his shoes. His feet ached from all of the walking he did at school. His shoulder was also sore from getting shoved multiple times. Leo was actually quite frail and a bit smaller than most of the kids in his grade. He was a bit below average height and a healthy weight for his age. It was due to malnutrition and the lack of meals he allowed himself to eat.

Leo was upset at himself for how he was taking care of himself but it was like he was doing it without knowing it. It's become normal to skip every meal and live off of a granola bar, speaking of which, he still had it in his pocket, untouched.

The plate of cold spaghetti still sat upon his dresser...untouched.

Leo had believed the lie he told himself. He wasn't disgusted with his body, he just found food to be a bit disgusting, and when he'd eat it, it made him feel sick. However, that depends on what he ate.

It had been around an hour, and for that time Leo had just been sitting and staring. His senses felt a bit less disturbed though; he hasn't really hallucinated anything too recently besides last night, that was good right?

"Leo can you come down here?" A voice rang. It was Susie.
Everything from that day had actually slipped his mind, allowing anything new to wiggle its way in.

Without a word, Leo got off of his bed and left his room. After the trip downstairs, he came into contact with everyone, even Ronnie. It was probably about 7:00 PM and Leo's brain was too exhausted to really think about what was happening. There was also the fact that Leo refused to make eye contact with his uncle, especially after that night.

Just the thought of it made Leo rub his neck a little and drained his motivation for anything.

"You got your grade reports today right?" asked Susie, with a sheepish tone.
Ronnie gave Leo a sly grin, obviously having something on his mind that no one knew...at least not yet.

"uhm," Leo stammered and began to get stressed. It had just hit him that he threw it away before he left and immediately remembered the lie he had thought of...another lie.
"We didn't get ours today, I think it's next week—" Leo's voice visibly cracked a little, obvious that he sucked at lying.

Right as Susie was to believe the lie, William spoke up, immediately giving her the signal to keep quiet. "Ronnie got his today, so surely it has to be somewhere." William's voice was sharp and hollow. He could probably stab someone with just one sentence if his words were a weapon.

"I didn't get mine-" Leo repeated as then Susie gestured to William, "He's in a lower grade than Ronnie, maybe they didn't get theirs just yet, don't get worked up." She was then slightly cut off by the louder voice of his uncle. "I just don't want to raise liars in my house"

Leo's heart dropped a bit, if only he was actually telling the truth. He could feel his face get hot and he was scared the redness of his nervous expression would show.
Ronnie still sat there with a smug expression. It was obvious Ronnie wanted to say something snarky as always but was seeming to stay quiet. This was oddly unusual behavior for Ronnie as he would be the kind to always jump into other's business or try to ruin it with his own.

"Well okay, Leo. We were just wondering since we hadn't seen your grades yet and Ronnie had gotten his." Susie explained before William gave a wide grin. "Ronnie has awesome grades, I'm so proud of him, he's going to be just like me one day."

Well that surely wasn't a lie, Ronnie already has those toxic traits, and being the drug addict his uncle was, Ronnie would most likely follow down that path, probably willingly as well. He was more worried for Susie's future other than Ronnie's. It seemed that she really hasn't been feeling herself. Leo knew how that feeling felt, and the traits of depression she most likely struggles with.

The shine in Ronnie's eyes lit up, but it wasn't in the good way. It was like he had gotten a sudden idea. Leo knew Ronnie's plans before he even went through with them.

This was going to be absolute hell and back all over again.

Tomorrow was Thursday, meaning three more days until he visited Dr Ethan again for his next therapy shift.

Leo had taken notice of the plate of cold spaghetti that still rested on his dresser. Not wanting to leave it there overnight, Leo took it and scooped it into the trash can he had. It didn't have a bag in it so the spaghetti would probably stick to the bottom until he could clean it out properly.


"Cross-X" Origin of Leo Fincher [Creepypasta Backstory]Where stories live. Discover now