Rob imagine Super Bowl Special continued

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Attention: if you have not read the part before this don't continue because you'll be super confused this is so short ohmygawd I fan I sorry

"Yes!" Rob screams jumping out of his chair when their okay it intercepted. You groan at the opposing team winning. Confetti fills the screen, the deafening screams from the people blaring through the speakers.

You turn the volume down watching Rob cheer for the Patriots. "I knew they would win." Rob says quieting down. You roll your eyes smiling at his childishness. Everyone else in the room either cheers or has looks of disappointment on their face like yours.

After everyone leaves you start picking up the garbage around the house.
"Can you start a load of dishes?" You shout to Rob in the kitchen. He walks up without saying anything with a dirty rag in his hands.
"Winners don't wash dishes." He jokes making you sarcastically roll your eyes.
"Whatever." You jokingly take the rag from his hands and start the loaded dishwasher.

"Come on babe. Can I get a hug?" He pouts out his lower lip giving his puppy dog eyes that make your heart melt.
"Are you going to gloat?" You say before giving in.
"No, I promise." You smile and walk into his arms hugging him. "I love you (Y/N)."
"I love you too Robbie."

"Just for old time sake." His hand connects with your hair before you can't react. He chortles aggressively clutching his stomach. You run your fingers through your messed up hair the chocolate icing sticking to your finger.

You find the open tub on the counter and walk over to your still laughing boyfriend.
"Your welcome." You say holding the tub over his head and squeezing it. Hopefully you guys didn't need this icing for later.

"Oh my God!" He exclaims when the glop of icing connects with his hair. You take your turn laughing pulling him into a hug and wiping the excess icing off his head. His hair was still tangled and full of icing but you were satisfied. "I hate you sometimes (YN)." He smiles hugging you back.
"Hate you too Robbie."

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