Preston imagine for Lizzy

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Thatchicklizzy hope you enjoy :D

I'm in this hope you don't mind <3

"Lizzy!" I hear my co-worker Kylie shout snapping me out of my daze. "Your break is over and I'm swamped. Can you get table 23?" She pleads with a tray of dirty plates and glasses held up by one hand.
"Yeah. Sure." I sigh sad my break was over, but get up walking to table 23 just seeing how swamped the restaurant really was. "Hello, I'm Lizzy. What can I get you?" I ask the man sitting handing him the menu. I've seen him around here a few times, must be a regular.

He flashes me a dazzling smile before ordering his food and handing me the menu. Butterflies fill my stomach when his hand brushes against mine sending good shivers throughout my body. "I'm Preston." He states before I walk away flustered.  I out the order in with the chef and ask around if anyone else wants help which I do for them stealing quick glances at Preston on my way around. Gosh, I hope he doesn't notice.

"Order up!" the chef shouts and I grab plate of food putting it on my tray with some other and walk over to where Preston wanting to give him his food first. I'm not positive why, but he just kind of caught my eye, and I kind of like it.
"Here ha go, sir," I put the plate down making sure to keep the tray steady that's holding the drinks. "Can I get you anything else?" I asks.

"No thank you. Actually, just the check." I nod quickly before scurrying away to get his check.
"Got eyes for the customer?" Kylie smirks as the check prints out.
"No." I try to believably scoff. She crosses her arms raising an eyebrow seeing past my lie. I cave in. "Yeah, I guess." I sigh running a hand through my hair.
"Go get some girlie." She encourages ripping the ticket off, handing it to me, and pushing me over making her laugh watching as I stumble over flushed.

"Got eyes for the customer, eh?" Preston teases as I walk over. My mouth hangs open in shock wondering how he heard us. Kylie is pretty loud.
"I- uh n- maybe?" He only laughs at my stumbling signing the check writing down some numbers.
"Call me, okay? Keep the change." I nods as he gets up. "See you at mom's Kylie!" He shouts walking out making me ever more shocked. Kylie walks up to me nudging me with her elbow.
"Got my bro's number, huh?" She teases noticing the digits on the paper.

"Brother?!" I practically shout flailing my arms like a fish (hehe).
"Yeah, I thought you guys would look cute together. Guess I was right. Wow I should be a matchmaker." She chuckles cleaning up Preston's table before walking away with a smirk.


SUPER SHORT IM SO SORRY LIZZY I can only write "whatever" imagines when I feel like it and I have t been having that feeling lately... I'm so sorry this was sucky
I said I would finish it like a day after I finished the preference I published like a week ago, but I didn't like what I wrote so I wrote this and it isn't much better ;-; I'm sorry
Also in here for banter purposes

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