Mitch imagine for Alli

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Note: Mitch and Alli are just friends
spoilers: *cough cough for now cough cough*
No seriously the last one I watched was Vik's I think idk

"What's going on doods. It Mitch or thebajancanadian with Alli with another Hunger Games for ya." Mitch starts off doing in his intro. The fans knew me and knew I wasn't more than Mitch's friend. I was pretty popular since I had a good amount of subs on my YouTube channel.

"Hey as Mitch, are we going for the middle?" I ask as the clock starts to count down.
"You can if you want. I'm running for that building." His mine raft character motions to a nearby building towering above the others.
"Okay then. Lead the way Mr. Hughes."

The clock counted down and everyone was allowed off their pedestals and we ran for the large building. Mitch seemed to know his way around the place as he found secret chests I didn't catch on my own. "Do you play this map a lot?" I ask trying to make sure this video has actual content.

"You could say that. It's rare to get this map, but I find my way around." He laughs a bit at the end making me smile as we continue to scourge through the building. "I found ya these." He tosses me a chain chest plate and boots labeled, "lingerie."

"Why thank you." I say sarcastically making him laugh as I put it on. We weren't a couples, but every so often we'd make jokes like that as if we were a couple.

Soon deathmatch started and weren't very stacked. At least compared to our one opponent. He had full iron and the only iron thing we had was my iron helmet. Mitch had a gold chest plate and helmet with chain boots and pant. Along with my helmet I had the chain chest and boots with leather pants. At least we both had iron swords next to his stone. Mitch also had a golden apple.

"Whatever happens to me," Mitch states with a fake loud sniff. "Tell Jerome I love him." I let out a snort at his mention of Jerome and the clock counts down. We both rush towards the guy who rushes towards us. We both get hits on him and he aims right towards Mitch.

He obviously is only aiming him since when Mitch runs away to regenerate health he just chases after him letting me freely hit him. "This is bull!" Mitch exclaims as the guy continues chasing him I agreeing.

"I think he's low. Turn on him when you can and we can kill him." Mitch agrees and he turns on him and we both frantically whack at him until he dies. "How low?" I ask Mitch.
"Half. you?" He asks while his character eats the golden apple.

"I'm good tell me when you're ready." After a few minutes of talking about the battle Mitch says he's ready and that his absorption is gone we charge into battle. We ended up taking off all our armor and battling with raw fish.

I loved death matches like this when it was just Mitch and I and we had to go through our inventory finding weird things we could hit each other with. It was food most of the time. "Noo!" I exclaim as he hits me one last time laughing. My screen starts shaking stating I've died while I laugh along with Mitch. "GG!" I exclaim Mitch doing the same with me.

"Well that was another Hunger Games with my beautiful friend Alli and I will see you all... in the next video. Bye doods!" (I forgot Mitch's outro sorry)

I blush at his compliment and we end our recordings.he always calls me beautiful when we meet up, but he's never done it on camera. "Thanks Mitch." I smile when we bring up the face time on skype. My cheeks were a slight shade of pink and so were Mitch's.
"I only speak the truth." He shyly smiles. His hoodie was up like always, but I liked it when it was.

His dark hair was a great contrast to the red and the black and I noticed it was styled the way that makes him hotter if that was even more possible. "Uhh can I ask you something?"
"Anything Mitch." I respond butterflies building in my stomach.

"I've kind of liked you, like a lot, for awhile now..." He trails off not making eye contact with the camera with his face a deep shade of red. "I was wondering if- if you'd maybe you know... uh..." He was obviously flustered making it even more cute.
"Mitch, I'll go one a date with you." He looks up with a huge smile.

"Thank you so much Alli!"
"To be honest Mitch, I've kind of liked you too." I confess making both of us blush. The Benja was officially mine.

A/N (read if you like sidemen ;) )
I'm thinking about making a sidemen preference thing like this book but there's seven *whispers* sevennnnnn I guess could get rid of Harry I mean he does nothing
no but seriously I love Harry he's so cute and weird and idk so ya pretty much

Would you guys read it? It'd be like this one but you know... Sidemen

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