Secret date pt 2

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Important: bold means that it's from me to you not part of the story it's also in parentheses ()


"Ugh Rob really?" You whine as he ties the piece of cloth over your eyes.
"Yup. I want it to be a surprise."
"Poop you." You whine wanting to see. "You know I can't function without seeing."
"And that's exactly why you're not driving." He jokes starting the car.

He stops the car. "We're here babe."
"Can I take this stupid thing off?" You ask hopefully pointing to the blindfold.
"Yup." He tugs at the knot he tied and undoes it. Your astonished at the sight in front of you. It's the beach. The sun starts to set glistening on the blue, wavy ocean. A picnic basket and blanket are laid out over the whiteish yellowish sand.
"Oh my God Rob!" You scream grabbing him I to a hug. No one else is on the beach, it's just going to be you two. You both sit down on the blanket and crack open the picnic basket. You take a bite of your sandwich watching the sun slowly disappear.
"You like it?" He asks. You don't say anything you just tackle him in another hug, him hugging back.
"No, I loved it!" You pull away and kiss his cheek.

"Where are we going?" You ask desperately.
"Can't tell you yet." You can't see anything from the blindfold he tied around your head. You grunt just wanting to not see darkness. You lean back on the seat of the car not arguing until he stops the car.
"You can take it off now." I slip it up over my head slightly gasping. It's the concert hall. He slips something in your hand, a piece of paper. But not any paper.
"Oh my God Lachlan!" You throw your arms around him almost sobbing. There concert tickets to your favorite band. You guys walk into the arena hand in hand and sit in your designated seats. Not the best seats but you couldn't of thought of anyone better to come here with.
"How much did these cost?" You ask before the band comes out.
"Doesn't matter to you at least." He smirks. "Do you like the surprise." You kiss his cheek softly.
"Couldn't of thought of anything better."


"I hate you." You mumble hoping Vikk didn't take it the wrong way. You hear him give a slight laugh.
"Don't worry Y/N were almost there."
"Almost only counts in horse shoes." Finally he stops the car and unites the blindfold. You see bright colorful lights and you hear loud playful music. It's a carnival! You've always wanted to come to it since it's only in town for a week.
"Oh my God Vikk!" You embrace him tightly as you get out of the parked car.
"I knew you wanted to come so I thought I'd take you!"
"Thank you so much!" You practically squeal out of excitement. You stop by the snack stand and get a Cotten candy. You both take a bite out of it and go for the rides. You've both have ridden all the rides and had the most fun you've ever had. It only made it better because you were having it with Vikk. You finally reach the Ferris wheel.
"Ladies first?" He asks motioning for you to get in line.
"You know I'm scared of heights." You whine (just pretend you are if you aren't)
"Oh come on. Please? I'll be right next to you the entire time I promise." He reassures wrapping his arm around your torso. You give in and get on the ride. Your heart beats faster as you get to the top. The ride stops and you look out at all the lights lighting up the dark sky. Your breathing gets deeper and heavier.
"Don't worry I'm right here." He grabs your hand looking at you. You calm down a little.
"Thanks Vikk." You kiss his cheek lightly. "This has been the best day of my life."

Ilysm like I seriously do!!!!! <3


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