Vikk imagine for anyone

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I love you guys so much omg <3

Your POV
I woke up shivering and sweating from my dream, or night are more like it. I quickly wipe the tears from under my eyes and turn my head away from the relaxed body beside me. I'd hate to wake Vikk up when he's so peacefully asleep. I wonder what he dreams about...

I don't bother to try and sleep again afraid that I'll have another nightmare. The images of the brutal scene pop back in my mind like raises making me start crying again. Quickly, I close my mouth hoping he doesn't hear me and he doesn't so I get up and quietly close the door clearly not going back to sleep.

I turn the TV on turning down the volume to barely anything and walk to the kitchen fixing a bowl of cereal. Hopefully he won't mind since he loves his cereal. Then, I hear his shifting footsteps coming down the hallway... well I hope it's his anyway.

"(Y/N)?" He asks into the darkness, besides the dim light from the TV. I quickly wipe my eyes hoping they aren't puffy. "you okay sweetie?" (I feel Vikk would totally call you sweetie like seriously)

"Y- ya." I start to stutter swearing myself in my mind. "I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. He comes into the kitchen where I can more clearly see his features of disheveled hair and tired stance.
"I heard you crying." I bring the spoon up to my lip the cold milk chilling my mouth.
"No. I'm okay." He wraps his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder. (I just can't imagine this because he's so short BUT HES SO CUTE DONT GET ME WRONG)

"Are you sure? You sounded like you had a nightmare." The scenes flash in my mind again and I feel the tears starting to come again but I hold them back the best I could luckily succeeding.
"I'm okay." I was lucky to get those two words out fast enough without stuttering again and he nods.
"You want to go back to bed?" I shake my head not bothering to say words incase I mess up and he nods. Before he leaves he kisses me softly sending a small wave of happiness through me but the terror is still so much larger. "Goodnight sweetie." He whispers and I mumble a small one back no louder then his.

I hear him walk away and I lay my head down on the counter. I just lied to him and the nightmare sure doesn't help. The tears flow into my arm and I let out a small quiet sob not wanting to wake anyone up.

I feel arms wrap around me pulling me close. "It's okay." I hear him say making me let out another small sob. I'm keeping him up.
"I'm sorry just go back to sleep. I'm okay."
"No you aren't. I'd rather stay awake then my baby being sad. What happened?" I bury my face in his shirt not wanting to say, but his warm words making me shed a small smile.

"I- I had a- a nightmare." He doesn't bother to say anything but instead he rubs my back lightly in comfort.
"You want to talk about it?" I shake my head not wanting the images of him leaving me coming back. I feel my hand tremble and he keeps me close to him. "Let's go back to bed. I won't let the nightmares come back.

We true need off the tv and put the cereal up before walking back to the bedroom still in each other's arms and layer down facing each other. I didn't deserve a great person such as Vikk. He's so nice and smart and just awesome and amazing and overall one of the greatest people in the world. He pushes a piece of hair off my forehead my forehead craving his touch again once he puts his hand back to hold mine.

"Can you promise me something?" I ask my voice quiet.
"What is it?"
"Promise me you won't leave me in my dreams where I can't reach you."
"I'll try my best." He gives a small smile and kisses me forehead and pulls me closer falling into yet another sleep. Soon after I closed my eyes and tried to sleep to.

That night Vikk kept his promise.

I just realized I only have one imagine for Rob and Jerome and before this one for Vikk...

I need more imagine for them so comment a scenario and a name and I'll so it
I have two for Lachlan I'm working on I'm sorry I'm getting to them I swear.

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