Random Jerome imagine :D

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"Oh my god look how cute they are!" Jerome practically squeals watching the small puppies run around their small pens. Jerome and I decided to get a puppy and let's just say Jerome was really happy. "What type of dog would you like (Y/N)?" Jerome asked making me shrug in response.
"I like the smaller breeds. They're easier to take care of." To be honest I would've rather gotten a cat, but hey. Jerome was so cute when I brought it up.
"You're no fun." Jerome pouts out his lower lip making me laugh at his cuteness.
"If we find a really cute big dog we can get him."
"But they're all so cute!" He says in a high pitched voice. "Plus we have to get two because if we only get one they'll get lonely." I roll my eyes smiling. He was too cute not to say yes to though.

"What type of dog are you two looking for?" A worker approaches us and asks.
"Um a big dog. We don't have a certain breed in mind, but just a larger dog."
"Oh that's good. Most people who come in take the smaller dogs so the bigger dogs get left out." The worker explains leading us near the farther back section to where I'm guessing the big dogs are or to the back where he'll kill us. "And here they are. Let me know when you've found your new best friend." He gives a small smile then leaves.

The dogs start scratching up on the pen walls barking. They were all puppies and most looked to be labs. Jerome and I climbed into the small fenced in area and sat down on the (hopefully) clean newspaper. Immediately the small puppies ran up to us and started jumping and kissing us all over and it was really adorable. "Aww look at this guy." I point out to Jerome the small German Shepard who was chasing a ball around the small area looking like the happiest he could be when he caught it.
"Aww." Jerome smiles picking up his ball and throwing it across the pen of course him chasing it. "He's so cute. Do you want to get him?" He brings it back to me and I pet him. He had black fur with small splotches of caramel brown and deep brown eyes just like Jerome's.
"Hey look Jerome." I take the SnapBack off his head and pick up the dog putting the hat on him as if he was wearing it. "It's mini you." I smile making him smile too. He takes a picture of me holding him the small puppy looking like he's smiling. "Let's get this guy." I smile and pet him receiving kisses and smelling his puppy.

"Great. Now I need to find one that looks like you." He smiles and scans the area and gets up and walks over to a small puppy who was sat down. I'm pretty sure she was a German Shepard too. He pets her head then picks her up and brings her back to me and my dog. We put them down together and immediately they start playing with each other happily. "These guys are adorable." He laughs watching them chase each other around the caged in area.
"Let's get these guys." I pick up mine and Jerome picks up his and we leave the store with two new members of our little family.

Name them whatever you want :D

I named mine Ola and Desa look it up in google translate 😂 #perfectpair
It's Latvian btw 😂

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