Lachlan imagine for Ember

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For xXEmberHeartAngelxX <3

I sit on the couch flipping through the tv channels before the knock. I get up answering the door finding the face I most wanted to see behind it, Lachlan. Lachlan and I have been dating for awhile and I've loved him more than anyone I've ever loved. He holds something behind his back that I can't see.
"Hi Ember!" He greets grinning widely.
"Hi Little Lachy." I smile back.
"I got you something." He tells me smiling like a maniac.
"What is it?" I ask curious.
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands." I give a little grunt before doing what I was told. He sets something large and kind of heavy in my hands. Not really that heavy but I didn't expect it to be this heavy. "Open them." He commands so I do. I hold a fairly large canvas.
"Oh my God Lachlan!" I embrace into a tight hug then press my lips against his. I haven't been able to get canvas as often as I used too. I rarely get them in fact, I can't beleive he got me one! Especially this size. "How much do I owe you?" I ask reaching for my jean pocket.
"Don't worry about it Ember. I got it for you." He smiles lacing his arm around my back pulling me closer to him. "What are you going to paint?" He asks smiling down at me. Ya... he's a lot taller than me. Well he's the tallest guy I know. I shrug at his question. I never thought I'd get a canvas so soon. Maybe for Christmas but it's the middle of summer.
"Not sure. I need inspiration." I explain, his face immediately lighting up.
"Oh! We should go to the park." He suggests me nodding. I grab my paint supplies and the canvas.

We drive to the community park setting up in a small vacant spot. It's the middle of summer so it's fairly hot. A large tree covers the setting sun giving it a perfect picture. I start making an outline on the canvas.
"You should be in it Lachlan." I explain trying to focus on the painting and on him.
"No I really shouldn't Id ruin it."
"You should, you paid for part of it. I make it you be in it." I shove him forward and he slowly so walks in front of the tree.
"Lean on it!" I shout to him pointing to the tree. He nods and leans on it looking up. One foot stays on the ground the other set against the tree. I nod and give him a thumbs up making soft strokes on the canvas.

I finish filling in the yellow, orange shade for the sun.
"I'm done!" I exclaim happily. I admire my work. Probably one of my best. I feel two hands grab my hips kissing my cheek softly.
"It's beautiful sweetie." Lachlan whispers. His warm breath sends electric waves through my body making me blush.
"I couldn't of done it without you." I take a pen and sign my name in the corner. I hand him the pin. "Since you helped you should sign it."
"Okay." He says signifying his name. He puts it directly under mine then draws a heart around them. "Now when this painting ends up in museums they'll know the greatest love story ever." He pulls me closer to him. I put my hands on his chest, his arms encircling me pulling my warm body close to his. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. He lifts me up so I don't have to use my tiptoes and we sit there, wishing we could pause that moment, softly kissing.

Hope you liked it Ember!!!! I couldn't find a good picture sorry :/

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