Hate from fans pt. 1

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You walk into Preston's little office thinking he finished he stream but he hasn't. You hate the camera because of all the hate you get from being Preston's girlfriend.
"Ugh! Preston I thought you finished streaming!" You whine. He smiles and turns around to face you.
"No I haven't. But say hi to Rob and the viewers." You give a slight wave before turning about to leave. "Stay? Please?" He puffs out his lower lip. You grunt and sit down in the chair next to him scrolling through your phone while he commentates with Rob. "Oh ya!" Preston pulls you closer to him in front of the facecam. "This is my girlfriend (Y/N.) I love her so much and you guys always hate on her and that's why she's never on camera." I look at his chat seeing a bunch of frowny faces and sorrys but also a lot more hate. You hold back tears at the rude comments.
"I'm leaving." You get up wiping your eyes. He gets up and grabs you wrist pulling you back.
"Guys she is wonderful and if you hate on her I will block you from everything I've seen you on because she is so wonderful and beautiful and you guys have no right to hate on anyone on the world because you are jealous." You give him a hug and kiss him softly.
"Eww." Rob jokes. "No kisses on camera." You all laugh. "But seriously I ship (Y/N and Preston it's not even funny like guys they are perfect for each other."
"Thanks Robby." You smile into the camera. "I really should go Preston." You kiss his cheek and leave the room. Many feelings mix inside your gut, sadness, happiness, everything. You check you instagram and notice a bunch of photos people have tagged you in. It's of you and Preston's kiss. You scroll down to the captions and smile noticing all the love and support.

Ever since you and Jerome started dating hate just keeps pouring in from every social media. You've had to delete your twitter saying that your guys relationship is stupid and that they ship Merome. You respected Merome and you were glad they were really good friends with each other but you loved Jerome. You truly loved him. You have become fearful of opening up your social media but you do anyway. Your ig is filled with hate with a few supporting your relationship finally you decide to stand up for yourself. You post a selfie of you looked pissed as hell and caption it saying, "You guys are really getting on my nerves. You should be happy for Jerome that he found someone he loves. I know you guys love Merome and I kind of ship it too but you don't need to make me feel like crap and put me down. I'm a human being just so you know." Immediately comments flood in some still trashing you and some supporting you. You stary crying you never wanted hate for loving someone. Jerome comes in and hugs you, he saw your post.
"It's okay." You cry into his shirt as he strokes your hair softly.
"They hate me." You whimper letting out a muffled sob. "I don't want them to hate me." He pulls away and makes you look at him.
"Their opinion doesn't matter. If it came to it I'd quit YouTube for you." He kisses your forehead and pulls you into a hug again. You'd never ask him to quit YouTube and if he did for you yOu know you'd feel terrible. His fandom is his family.

He did it. He came out about your relationship on social media. There had been rumors about it but now he confirmed it. Both of you did. Immediately the Merome hashtag floods in the comments and hate. Hate. That word should not exist. You just want to cry and melt back into being just a person in the world. Mitch holds you next to him closely trapping you in his embrace.
"I can't do all this hate." You mumble into his shirt. He rubs your back softly comforting you a little but not much.
"I'm so sorry I've brought this onto you." He whispers still holding you. You want to escape him and just run but he holds you too tight and comfort makes you melt into it. "I love you. No one can ever change that okay?" You nod wiping away tears running down your face.
"I love you too. I just wish they could at least like me." You croak. He continues rubbing you back.
"They'll start liking you. If I did they can." He jokes. You can hear the attempt to make you feel better in his voice so you smile, for him. You sigh and kiss him softly.

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