Vik imagine for Kayla

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My thoughts when thinking of what to write: "I haven't written a Vik wedding yet... yolo."

surprise! That's what you said at least 😂

Sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy,
Also I hope you don't mind if I'm in this because like every bride needs a bridesmaid am I right? Yeah, I'm right ;)

"I. Am. So. Not. Ready." I breathe out watching as Kylie touches up my hair.
"Close you eyes!" She orders so she can spray more spray on my curls. I do as she tells me and feel the cold spray brush on my face.
"Thanks." I mumble nervously. Was to normal to be this normal on your wedding day? I hope to God it was because I was sweating buckets at this point.

"Calm down, okay? He loves you. I've seen him and he's just as shaken up as you, okay? Don't worry about him saying yes or no, just worry about your first baby's name." Sh laughs patting my back making me roll my eyes.
"We're not even married. I'm not ready for kids." I scoff making her laugh louder.
"You say that now."

You know that moment when you're stressed, but all of it fades away and it's one of the best feelings in the world? That what I experienced when I saw Vik at the altar. When I came out, he was stunned. I'm not if it was because I looked different or what, but I just knew that it would be okay then and I smiled. My parents and I walked down the aisle as soft music filled the crowd. My eyes scanned the crowd seeing various family and friends I knew on my side and on his side.

Soon we reach the altar and my parents leave my side sitting down. "You look beautiful." Vik whispers in my ear making me blush and quietly thank him.
"Dearly beloved...."

"You may now kiss the bride!" Vik and I step closer and he puts his sweaty, but warm, hand on my cheek sending fireworks through me. It felt like our first kiss, from the way our lips fit together to the bursting joy erupting through me. It felt the same. We pull back hearing the cheers of people around us. Vik grabs my hand holding it in his hand looking at me with a smirk and saying,
"are you ready, Mrs. Barn?"

Six months later

"Vik?" I ask walking into the living room.
"Yeah sweetie?" He asks as I sit next to him resting my head on his shoulder.
"I'm pregnant."

Short and sweet is my specialty
Haha sorry Kayla if you didn't like the ending... I understand some people probably don't want kids when they get married

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