Mitch imagine for anyone pt 2

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also this is first person your POV

"What was that?!" Kylie shouts bursting into my room.
"What do you mean, dear sister," I ask jokingly putting down you notebook.
"I mean what went on downstairs! I heard Ingrid Michaelson and I walk in seeing you two being cutesy as hell then he leaves?! Why aren't you getting ready for prom anyway?" she asks walking over to my closet.
"I'm not going. I've told you that before," I state opening up my notebook and continue writing.

"You aren't going with Mitch?! I know you told me before but after the fiasco in the living room, I'd imagine you'd be going together!" she says grabbing my notebook and closing and grabbing my wrist dragging me up. "Come on, you still got time and they sell tickets at the door," she states dragging me down the hall towards her room. "Sit here and I'll get you a dress."

Two hours later I was dressed in Kylie's dress she wore to prom and has makeup on my face. I'm not sure why my sister is being so nice to me, but whatever. "Okay, tickets are $20," she explains handing me a twenty dollar bill, "call me when you two kiss, okay?" she laughs stopping in front of the school where it seemed dark inside, but you could see the colorful lights glowing from inside.

"Why am I doing this again?" I question more to myself feeling butterflies in my stomach.
"To go find your true love, now go get in there!" Kylie urges nudging my shoulder. I sigh.
"Thanks Kylie," I say before getting out and waving goodbye as she drives away before I walk up to the school building. After handing the teacher the money Kylie gave me, I walked toward the gymnasium where the dance was actually being held. Loud music practically shook the whole building with Sorry by Justin Bieber (I like this song shh).

Walking into the room blew me breath away. The theme was "under the stars" but you didn't expect it to be this well decorated. Everything was colored a dark navy blue with small white dots representing the stars. The school's colors were tied around fake pine trees that were stood up against the walls. The thing that really caught your attention, though, was the ceiling. A light was cast on it from lights hidden behind the trees in the corner and it made it look like we were actually under the starry sky.

Couples were dancing just as Sorry was ending and Yellow by Coldplay began to play. "Y/N?" I hear someone call out. Soon, Jerome and Louise in tow are running up to me smiling and holding hands. "Oh my gosh Y/N! You look beautiful!" Jerome compliments making a my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you," I smiles tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Are you here with Mitch?" Louise asks and I shake my head in response saying Mitch came here with someone else. "Jerome, go find Mitch I'm going to distract his date. We're getting you two together," she insists parting from Jerome who smiles.

"Having a girlfriend who's a matchmaker is amazing," he comments chuckling. "I'm going to find your Romeo. Wait here," he says before scampering off into the sea of other dancing couples. Okay then.

I find a comfortable spot leaned up against the wall that was out of the way of everyone, but still had a clear view of that one crazy couple doing the sprinkler. Jerome and Louise haven't come back to me and it's been at least like ten minutes. There's not that big of a crowd right?

Soon though, the song stops followed by that very shrill sound that happens with the microphone sometimes that results in everyone covering their ears. That one, and Louise's voice soon follows. "This song is for two lovebirds here that don't exactly know they're in love yet. Vote for Y/N and Mitch for prom queen and king!" she finishes before quickly leaving the stage. Wait, what?

"Jerome! Stop pushing!" a voice struggles and soon Mitch and Jerome pop from the crowd like daises only just blooming in the beginning of spring. When Mitch turns around and he looks at me, his eyes widen. (it shouldn't take a dress and makeup for a guy to notice you but that's just how pretty much EVERYONE works like how it shouldn't take abs and no shirt for a girl to notice a guy)

"Fancy seeing you here," I smile taking a sip from my punch I got while waiting for Jerome and Lousie.

"Yeah, I guess. Like to dance?" he offers walking over and holding out his hand. I smile gratefully and take it going out to the dance floor.

Wise men say, only fools rush in

I smile at the familiar song wondering how Louise knew to play this song, but the important thing is not how not why, but the person who holds my hands as we twirl around the dance floor. "Where's your date?" I question realizing I'm stealing someone's date.

"Dancing with another guy," he responds motioning his head towards a blonde haired girl dancing with a guy that I recognize as one of the soccer players. He twirls me at the same time he did when we did when we practiced making my giggle at the thought that he remembered.

"You're not that bad, you know?" I tell him making him laugh.
"Well, I did learn from the best," he shrugs making me smile. Soon the song finishes and the principle comes onstage.
"I hope everyone is having a fun night!" he calls out making everyone around us yell. "Great! But tonight, we need to crown our queen and king," he explains opening up the envelop as a junior brings up a pillow with the two crowns on it. "The King and queen this year are, Jerome Aceti and Louise Daly!" he exclaims making Mitch and I holler louder than anyone else.

They bashfully walk up to the stage holding hands as they're corners by the principle. Before walking off stage, Jerome kisses Louise's cheek making her blush as everyone awe's at them including us. "They're so cute," I cop a tiny bit jealous.

"We could be like that you know," Mitch says catching me off guard. Did he just? I'm cut off when he kisses me on the lips catching me by surprise. An odd feeling was conjured up in my stomach, but I soon melt into his kiss wrapping my arms around his neck drowning out the sound from the students around us.

Maybe you could say we shared our first kiss "Under the Stars"

I literally haven't updated anything in like forever

Sorry I updated like a week or something later


anyone afraid of storms?

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