Secret date pt. 1

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This was your and Preston's 3rd date. He said he was taking you to a surprise destination so he tied a piece of cloth over your eyes while he drove. Your heart heated at a million miles per second. You were excited but you were also scared, he could be taking to a drug dealership for all you know. He had the radio on so at least it wasn't silent. You hear voices, two to be precise. One was Preston's but you can't hear what their saying, it just makes your heart beat faster.

"Okay we're here." He explains. You smile widely as he takes the blindfold off. You see a large projector screen. You see a bunch of other cars around you and you grin massively. You've always wanted to go to a drive-in-movie.
"Oh my God Preston!" You practically scream throwing you arms around him.
"Do you like the place I chose?" He asks grinning. You nod kissing his cheek.
"I love it." You whisper as the movie plays in the background.
"I know you've always wanted to go to one." He says making your grin just get wider.You kiss his cheek as he hands you a candy bar. You split it in half and munch on it happily as the movie plays.

"Ugh Mitch! Just tell me already!" You whine.
"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He asks sarcasm in his voice.
"I hate you." He let's out a little laugh. You can't see where he was driving because he made you put a blindfold over your eyes.... well it was a sock but basically it covered your eyes so you couldn't see. You hear the soft engine turn off.
"We're her babe!" He exclaims. You take off the blindfold slightly gasping. You see the park you and Mitch used to play at as kids. Everything is pretty much the way you guys last saw it. The same swing set, slide, and tree you guys had your first kiss under and secretly carved your names and a heart into. You just want to run and frolic around and just be with Mitch for eternity in this playground, but you stop yourself reluctantly. You and Mitch walk hand-in-hand to the swing set you guys actually met at. You remember it like yesterday.
"Do you like the place I chose?" He asks sitting in the swing next to you. You lean over and kiss his cheek.
"I love it."

"Where are you going?" You ask skeptical. You can't see because he put a piece of cloth over your eyes. You've asked for the last five minutes but he hasn't answered yet. You don't hear him at all just the hushed tone of the music from the radio.
"Ugh Jerome. Sometimes you annoy me." You pout. He let's out a little laugh.
"Don't worry Y/N. We're almost there." You just sit there trying to find out what so g is on the radio playing it over and over agin through your head. Finally he stops and doesn't continue driving.
"We're here!" He shouts excitedly. You see his house in front of you. "I got some movies and junk food." He laughs grabbing a bag out of the back seat. You smile at the candy, soda, chips, and movies in the Walgreens bag. You guys both get out and sit on the couch. He puts in the first movie which happens to be The Avengers. He breaks open a bag of chips and two sodas. You watch movies all night eating junk food until you fall asleep cuddling up next to him only slightly waking up to kiss him on the cheek when he lays you down on his bed to kiss him back.

Some are shorter than others if you haven't noticed 😂 what's your perfect dream date? Idk I'm just wondering I like interacting with you guys. I wanted to post another part BECAUSE YOU GUYS SEEM TO LOVE THIS OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! <3 ugh I wanted to add one picture for each date but it won't let me ;-; that's not a entire bad thing tho I mean my pic for Jerome's sucked 😂


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