Rob imagine for Jade

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Note: this is another one I put myself in and I'm going to be like so weird so just ignore my character if you want😂

Jade's POV
"What if he doesn't say yes?" I worry pacing around the room.
"Jade!" Kylie stops me grabbing by the shoulders. "If he says no then he isn't worth your time, but he will because I totally ship you two and I'm a good judge of character." I scowl at her but know she's just being her joking self and we both laugh.

"You're horrible at judging character." (It's true 💁🏻) I explain making her smile.
"I know, but I did get you and Rob together so obviously I'm a good match maker."
"Whatever you say." A loud beep blows throughout the room signaling its only a few minutes till. I was so nervous and Kylie smiles giving me a thumbs up before leaving me in the room. Alone. By myself. That is until my dad comes in. "You ready honey?" He asks with a warm smile.

Sure, my dad wasn't so fond of Rob when he first met him, but I'm his only daughter and it was just him being the daddy dad he is. He was the best at being a daddy dad though. He was the daddiest dad there has ever been. (wth am I writing)

I quickly nod butterflies flying in my stomach and I grab my bouquet then interlock my arms in his. We exit the small room and stand behind all the bridesmaids and groomsmen. "You nervous?" Kylie asks looking back at me.
"No dur." I respond making my dad and Kylie smile.
"That's my girl." He grits his teeth making me laugh.

After a second the music starts playing making my heart beat loud in my chest. "Can you hear that? Or is that me going crazy?" I asks my dad referring to my heartbeat.
"Don't worry sweetie. When you're up on the altar and staring into his eyes it's like the butterflies fly away and it's only pure love up there." He explains making me smile. I wipe away a small tear that escaped my eye before were the only ones left in the hall.

Then we start walking. Everyone stands up as we start to walk in and I'm sure a few butterflies were born in my stomach. I breathe heavily and then I look up to see Rob who had the largest smile on his face.

Then I realize there's nothing to be afraid of. He loves me and I love him. There is nothing to worry about because our love for each other in evident from both sides. I remember the first time I met him and I got lost in the forest of the soft, sweet brown. Soon enough we made it up to the front and my dad lets me go and I step up.


"Dearly beloved," paths pastor starts off.

*skipping the vows because I don't know how they go and I don't want to look them up*

"You may kiss the bride." The pastor exclaims and we turn to face each other. He lifts the piece of transparent fabric that was once covering my face and grabs a hold of both my hands kissing me softly. I hear everyone cheer but it all melts away because it slowly dawns on me that I don't have a boyfriend anymore or a fiancé. I now have the privilege to call myself Jade Latsky.

This was short but passionate sorry if you didn't like it Jade

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