Lachlan imagine for Dani

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I hope you don't mind but I needed a friend name so I just used my name 😂

"Kick it!" My friend, Kylie, screams at me standing in front of the goal. I kick it quickly and she catches it keeping it from going into the goal making me groan. "Nice try Dani." She smirks tossing the soccer ball back.

I attempt to make it in the goal again and kick it harder but it goes way off course to the right. I run over to pick it up but someone beat me to it.
"This your ball?" He asks tossing it I between his hands smiling. I stand admiring his profound and chiseled features.

Damn. He was hot. "Y- ya." I stutter coughing trying to cover it up.
"I'm Lachlan." He holds out a hand and I shake it.
"I'm Dani."
"Nice to meet you Dani. So what are you doing on this cloudy morning?" I look up not bothering to notice the overcast clouds over us when all of the sudden thunder booms nearby and rain starts to spill down from a drizzle to pouring.

"Crap." I mutter. He hands me back my ball and I walk over to my friend and she smirks obviously referring to Lachlan.
"Nice man ya met there." She grins making me roll my eyes
"It's nothing big. He just handed me back the ball."
"Sure... Let's go someplace dry." I nod noticing my shirt and shorts were already drenched and so were her clothes.

We ended up in a small café next to the park. "Here's your hot chocolate." I set the warm mug in front of her and sit down on the opposite side of the booth with mine. It was still pouring down outside and the café was full of people from the park. We were lucky to get a seat because most people were leaning on the walls for support. I wonder if Lachlan was here.
"Look who's coming over." Kylie looks over while taking a sip from her cup. I look to where she was looking and see Lachlan walking over his wet hair sticking his head.

I can't help but secretly smile and he says, "Hey Dani. I saw you from over there and bought I'd say hi." He flashes a white smile and I smile back. "I'm Lachlan." He greets holding out his hand toward Kylie.

"Oh I know." She explains and gets up. "I'm Kylie and I have to go get a refill." She holds up her half full cup.
"Um... They don't offer refills and your cup is half full." I arch an eyebrow at her.
"I'm doing you a favor. See you two later." She walks away with her cup in hand to who knows where.

"So..." He starts out awkwardly. "How long have you been playing football?" His Australian was heavy as he took a sip from his cup which made me once again grin.

"I don't know." I shrug trying to come up with a time. "Maybe five years? Somewhere around that. What about you?"

"Not that long. I've been trying to get better but I haven't been doing so good lately." I knew what he was doing so I played along.

"You need a coach?"
"You got any suggestions on who?"
"Oh just come on." I get up and so does he as we walk out of the café across the street to go play soccer (or football) in the rain.

Btw I hit 1K in my first part of this book and honestly I'm so happy :D that's the first time that's ever happened!

Im going to go back and try my best to edit all my parts because I realized sometimes there was like a sentence that didn't make sense so if you want to go um ya...

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