He gets jealous of you and another member pt. 2

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You, Rob, and Preston were playing on a parkour map. You and Preston were way ahead finding all the Easter eggs while Rob was trailing behind. "Come on Robbie." Preston good-heartedly teases the lacking Rob.

"I'm coming. Just give me a second." You both stop watching Rob as he misses a quad jump.
"Come on. That was easy." You giggle. You guys weren't recording, you just wanted to have some fun and decided to do a parkour map.

"I'm going to the top." Preston turns and starts jumping up the tower.
"Same. Bye Robbie." You joke climbing up the castle. You reach Preston and punch him making him fall down even past Rob.
"See ya later Preston." You laugh continuing to climb.

"You little cactus!" He screams while falling down.
"Oh my God. (Y/N) that's was awesome!" Rob laughs along.

Soon Preston passes Rob catching up to you. You reach the top barely before him and step on the pressure plate the chat reading, "(yourusername) has come in first!" You cheer as fireworks go off in the game then Preston stands on it saying "TBNRFrags has come in 2nd!" Fireworks go off but not nearly as many as yours.

Rob comes up after a few seconds you two both cheering for him.
"Nice job Rob. Third place ain't bad." Preston jokes punching him.
"It is if there's only three people!" He pouts making you both laugh.

"Oh don't worry Rob. Luckily you don't have to be good at parkour to get (Y/N)'s attention." Preston punches Rob's minecraft character once again making him run away.
"Whatever man." He says walking off.

"Hey, at least you have a better taste than Preston." You tease slapping Preston.
"Hey! Darude." Rob comes back and slaps both of your characters.
"You guys are so stupid." He laughs running away yet again.

You and Lachlan were paying a visit with Vikk and the other sidemen. Him and Vikk were streaming together while you sat on your phone on Vikk's bed scrolling through social media.

"Ask us some questions or some things for us to do since there's nothing else to do." You hear them both say into the camera. You quickly open your twitch app and see the moments fill up with things to do.

"You pick one first Lachlan." Lachlan reads the text finding one and smiling. He turns to you and motions you to join them. You get off the bed and poke your be head between them.
"I saw one saying o kiss (Y/N)." He cheekily smiles and kisses you cheek making u blush slightly.

"And I'm here being the third wheel!" Vikk shouts spreading his arms out dramatically making you both chuckle. "Play a song on the piano." Vikk reads out aloud. "Sure can do." He gets out of his chair and walks over to his piano and starts playing a song. The chat fills up I what 'yays!' And 'you're so good!'

After he finishes they turn to you. "You pick one (Y/N)." Lachlan says. You scroll down the list and find one. (imagine you can play piano if you can't)
"Can (Y/N) play an instrument or sing?" You read aloud. "I actually can. I can play piano also." You walk back to the piano and start playing a song.

"I know this song." Vik sits and joing you making the same song but in a different key so it harmonizes together perfectly. You look over to Lachlan who sits there awkwardly out of camera range. You smile at how cute he was being all pouty and everything you couldn't help but smile. You and Vikk finish and return book the to the stream.

You see things like 'more!' 'Encore!' 'You two should do more duets!' Making you both blush to each other. You look back at Lachlan and see his face is stone. You kiss him making his muscles relax and he kisses you back smiling against you lips.
"Well, I guess that all for today!" Vikk outros the stream laughing at you two.

Vikk (okay so just remember. Vikk jokes about his own height and I'm not being mean about it I'm just simply making a small joke like he does every now and then like when Harry won the FIFA tournament if you can't take it please don't comment I don't need to hear it)

Lachlan was staying over with Vikk and you for a few days. You were bored and decided to start some dinner.
"Hamburgers okay with you guys?" You call out from the kitchen. They both respond with a yes and you start getting all the ingredients out from the fridge and cupboard.

You reach for the large bowl in the top of the cupboard standing on your tiptoes trying to reach the dish. You grunt not being able to reach the bowl.
"You okay (Y/N)?" Vikk asks walking into the kitchen.

"Ya, I just can't reach this bowl up there. Can you help me?" You ask. He walks over and reaches for the bowl his finger being able to touch the brim but not being able to get a grip.

"You guys okay?" Lachlan asks walking over and getting a cookie from the cookie jar.
"Ya. We just can't reach the bowl." You point to the large bowl and he walks over and grabs it with ease. He gives you the bowl smiling and continuing out the kitchen. You notice Vikk's clenched jaw and smile.

"Don't worry Vikk. I'll take you over any tall guy any day. Your size just adds to you're cuteness." You pinch his cheek jokingly as he blushes and swats your hand away.
"Oh how I love you (Y/N)." He laughs slinging his arm around your shoulder.

"I love you too Vikky."

WOW IM SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER D: It took me like three days to think of Vikk's like I had the idea about the bowl and top shelf but I thought too many people would hate it and I realized I liked it and so I decided to go with that (I'm sorry Preston's sucks :( )

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