Lachlan imagine

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Important please read:
This idea was made by xXEmberThePhoenixXx and she is so great omg but um I've been kind of dry for this book lately... sorry...

"Why do I need to do all this again?" You ask looking at the list Lachlan handed you and asked you to do. The things on here were obscured and there were so many!
"Just please? I have a surprise for you."

"Oh God. That can't be anything good." You laugh which makes he pout out his lower lip sarcastically. You smile and pull him closer kissing him quickly. "Love you."
"Love you to (Y/N.)"

After tiredly driving back home in a dress he made you wear. You unlock the door hearing a soft noise playing from the other side. you put your ear up to it listening to the classical music being played on the other side.

You got an "okay you can come home" text from Lachlan and he's playing classical music?! That's nothing like him! You open the door seeing all the lights turned off and the music playing.

You look around, eyes slowly adjusting to the dark room. The only light source is a small rose scented candle on the table in the middle of the room.

You walk up to it and smelling the beautiful scent of roses from the candle. You can see a little better since your eyes have adjusted and you walk around trying to find where the music has come from.

You reach the room Lachlan and you share and open the door seeing a circle of rose petals the smell intoxicating the room. You also see the small speaker on the dresser and you turn the music off.

You feel two hands bring you closer surprising you and making you slightly yelp.

"It's okay sweetie. It's just me." Lachlan chuckles bringing you into the circle of rose petals. He takes the remote out of his suit jacket pocket and turns it on so a slow song plays.

"May I have this dance?" He asks reaching out his hand. You take it and bring him closer dancing, you head on his chest. You sway to the soft music flowing through the speakers smiling.

This moment was brilliant, perfect. You just wish it could be a forever, but unfortunately all good things must come to and end.

"This was beautiful, Lachlan." You kiss him wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.

"I have one more surprise." He explains pulling away. He reaches behind himself and gets down on one knee. "(Y/N?)" You stand there gasping. You were overcome with joy, speechless.

"Will you marry me?" He opens the small jewelry box revealing the shining diamond ring inside.

"Yes!" You cheer happily, "of course!" He slips the ring on your finger fitting perfectly and he gets up pulling you into a kiss.

"I love you so much Mrs. Soon to be Power."
"And I love you, my soon to be husband."

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