Preston imagine for anyone

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I really need to do another songmagine but this is not it so comment some songs you'd like me to transform

Explanation: this ^ or > is what it's about like Preston gave you the letters and it's just you opening them up at different times


This is important:
Follow up on my A/N about personal imagines I'm not going to work on any until I work something out with myself I'm sorry ❤️❤️❤️

You say on your bed holding Preston's anniversary present to you in your hands reading the note taped on not being able to force the smile off of your face. It was a bundle of multi-colored letters tied together with a red ribbon all saying "open when...". Your heart fluttered at thought of how much time Preston put into this... for you!

You undid the bow and laid all of the letters out so you could look at all of them.

Open when you get this

You quickly opened it up unfolding the paper.

Dear Y/N,

I'm really nervous about how you'll react to these. I hope you like them. Anyway, let's get the obvious out of the way; I love you. Gosh, (your full name) I love you so gosh darn much! You're so beautiful and perfect in every single way, I'm surprised you were single when I first met you, because you were just flawless, in my eyes. When I first saw your smile, I just wanted to take a picture so whenever I was sad, I'd be able to look at it and smile with you, even though my smile is nothing compared to yours. Oh my God you're just so fudging beautiful. I love you so much Y/N and I'm so happy to be able to call you mine. I love you,

~Forever and Always,
Your Cactus: Preston

You smiled to yourself putting the card back in a stack and sat them atop your shelf in the large wooden box Preston have you early so the envelopes fit perfectly calling Preston immediately to tell him how much you loved him back.

Open when we fight

"Oh my god! I hate you!" You scream fuming at you equally mad boyfriend.
"If you hate me so much then- then- ugh!" he storms out of your house slamming your bedroom door behind him then the front leaving you to drown in the self-tension. Did that really just happen? Before you realize it, a tear falls onto your hand followed by more and more until you're crying full on. You missed him. All of the sudden, you recall the letters and hurriedly get up to grab the stack of letters hoping one had what you were looking for.

Open when we fight

It read in large sharpie handwriting, so you opened it get a few tear stains on the front.

Dear Y/N,
I'm so fudging sorry for what I did. Whatever it was, I didn't mean to hurt you. I never do. I really hope I get myself together before it gets too out of hand, because you're far too precious to lose. My mother would tell me that women are like a garden full of roses (not trying to objectify you guys.) She told me that every rose was different, and had their thorns. Every one was a different color of was different in the stage of blooming and you have to search for the right one. You're my rose. I'd do anything for you, I'd die for you if I must. You're worth it, you're worth every hardship and I hope I realize it before it's too late. I love you.

~Forever and always,
your cactus: Preston

You put the paper back in its envelope, tears freely flowing as you tried calling Preston, no answer. You know he was also too precious to lose so you got up, wiping you eyes, and grabbing your coat off the rack opening the door to see it was pouring down rain. As you're about to take your first step out, you see Preston though, drenched and red eyed with a bouquet of roses on his hands. "I love you, Y/N. I love you too much to let you go over a petty fight. Will you forgive me?" Unable to say anything, you just nod and embrace him, both of you letting out a small sob.
"I love you, Preston. I love you so much.

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