Protective brother pt 1

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Note: the person in () is the reason your brother becomes all protective ;)

Preston (Vik)
Your POV
"I can't believe mom and dad are making me do this." I sigh looking out the airplane window. Preston was going to the UK to visit one of some of his friends and mom and dad are going to Alaska and don't trust me to stay by myself for two weeks so it was Alaska for two weeks or the UK for three days.

"Come on." He tries to convince me, "it might not be that bad. You might like him and his friends." I shrug not bothering to make eye contact with my older brother.

when you both get to the house

Preston knocks on the door and someone answers but I don't bother to move my head up from my phone.
"Hey Vik!" He greets. I hear them both hug and then the guy, I'm suspecting Vikk, asks,
"I'm guessing this is your sister?" I hear no response but look up slightly and see Vikk standing next to Preston. Vik was kind of cute to be bluntly honest. Really adorable could be another phrase.

"Hey, I'm Vik." He reaches his hand out.
"(Y/N)." I shake it.
"Welcome to the Sidemen house."He spreads his arms out dramatically and we walk in.

He shows our our rooms that were next to each other (I don't know the real layout of the sidemen house don't judge me) and I'm introduced to the other sidemen. They seemed pretty cool but Vik was still the cutest (although Simon was pretty hot)

After introductions I returned to my room to unpack when I hear a knock on my closed door.
"Come in!" I shout and see Vikk enter. "Hey Vikk." I reply coolly even though I wished it would be him.
"Need help unpacking?" He offers. I really didn't, but I let him help me anyway.

It only took like two minutes but we finished. "Thanks." I give him a small smile and a hug. I mean sure I've only known him for an hour but it doesn't hurt to hug my brother's friend.
"There's nothing going on between you two right?" I hear Preston walk in. We quickly release each other and turn around, Vik scratching the back on his neck nervously.

"There's nothing going on Preston. I was just thanking him for helping him unpack." I explain receiving a confirming nod from Vik.
"I don't mind. But if you hurt my little sister, I'm coming for ya."

I laugh at his attempt to be threatening since his face is so squishy I mean come on, I've never been able to take Preston's face as threatening and I never will until I can see his cheekbones. (No offense I mean his cheek are cuter than a chipmunk's that just had two grapes.)

Vik let's a small giggle out too and so does Preston.
"Don't worry Preston." I walk over and sling my arm around his shoulder. "Id never let that happen." He kisses my cheek like the cheesy brother he is and I roll my eyes making Vik smile.

Jerome (Lachlan)
Your POV (I'm making them all in a POV now because that style is easier for me to write they're like mini fanfics)

Lachlan was visiting Jerome, Mitch and my house for awhile. I didn't know Lachlan all I knew was that he was friends with Mitch and Jerome. One time they showed me a picture and he was kind of cute in all honesty, but I didn't say that because then Jerome would start getting really protective like the brother he is. I don't know why he's so protective, he just is. Soon I hear the garage door open meaning Lachlan and Jerome were back. My stomach feels queasy but I push it through and walk out to greet him and my brother. "Hey Jerome." I hug my big brother and shake hands with Lachlan.

"I'm Lachlan." He smiles a wide smile while stating what I already knew.
"(Y/N)." Out of the corner of my eye Jerome and Mitch hug each other even thought they saw each other like an hour ago. Merome is so my OTP.

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