Preston imagine

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This one is mainly just randomness lol but I'm working on another preference I promise it's just so hard to think of them plus I've never been in a relationship LOL XD

"I'm going for the Benja." Preston explains charging so you go for Jerome. You were playing a two team lucky blocks PVP and you two were really stacked.

After an intense battle you two prevail on top both still alive. You kill him easily then burn yourself in lava laughing.
"That was great!" You exclaim and outro the video.
"Hey guys I have to go bye." Preston ends his call and it's just Mitch, Jerome, and you.

"So how have you guys been?" You ask them receiving slight murmurs and a snicker. "What?" You ask confused at their snicker.
"Oh nothing. Just stay on the line." Jerome commands.
"Why? What happens if I don't?"
"Please just don't argue. You need to stay on the line. Promise?" Mitch says in a stern tone.
"Promise. Unless my house starts burning." You laugh them laughing too.

After small chit chats you hear slight footsteps getting slightly louder. You grab the heaviest thing next to you which happens to be a baseball bat.
"Guys. There's someone in my house." You whisper. They stay silent and the footsteps get closer and closer. You keep you back turned but your eyes on the mirror on your desk. You see a human-like shadow approaching, becoming bigger and bigger. You heart races a mile per minute beating hard against your chest. You hear the door creak open and jump preparing you arm to swing the club in hand but he stops you.

"(Whoa. (Y/N), it's just me." Preston smiles taking the bat from your hand and tossing it on the nearby bed.
"How'd you get in?" You question him.
"Don't keep your key in a such a cliché place." He laughs.

"LavaP get on with it!" Jerome yells through the screen laughing.
"Wait, you guys are a part of this? Why didn't you tell me?! I could've killed him!" You shout receiving a laugh from them.

"Please (Y/N). You couldn't kill anyone. Especially not with a bat." Mitch explains dying of laughter.
"At least I can open up a maple syrup bottle on my first try." You spit receiving a laugh from Preston behind you. (watch the gift opening video on Rob's channel lol)

"Never bring that up. Just continue, Preston."
"Okay. (Y/N. Will you go out with me?" He hands you a small bouquet of roses which you gladly take and smell.
"Yes! Only because the red roses are really nice." You laugh and hug him tightly

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