Mitch imagine for Tori :P

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Tori's POV
I knocked on the door with a small skip I between smiling my stomach full of butterflies. I was staying the night at Mitch's with some of the other guys, and I was excited but I knew someone was going to get pranked. I mean it's them... they're boys.... LIKE WHAT DO YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN?!?

After a second Mitch opens the door and invites me in. I smile and sit next to him on the couch. Not too close, we weren't boyfriend/girlfriend...but I wouldn't mind if we were. He probably doesn't like me anyway, besides with his YouTube and all he probably wouldn't want to put up with me.

I was the first to arrive so it was just him and I. It was a bit awkward and I tried to not make too much eye contact with him. He gives a small laugh. "You okay?" He asks staring down at my hands. I notice how sweaty and clammy they are.

"Peachy." I respond with a sarcastic tone. The doorbell then rings hopefully ending the period of awkwardness.

After everyone arrives we head for the basement and start playing games on our laptops etc.

"Come on...." I hit my keyboard furiously trying to kill Preston in Hunger Games. "Yes!" I scream excitedly but Preston just gives me a dirty stare. I kill two more other people and then death match comes but it's just me and one other person. "This person is going to get so rekted." I say making thinking about my full iron and two golden apples

"I wouldn't say that so much Tori." Mitch smiles and I'm teleported to the arena. I sit on my pedestal. Finally the clock runs out and I sprint off circling around the cornucopia hoping to find whoever.

My heart beats fast, but then I realize. It's Mitch. It's just me and Mitch.
"Ohhhh Mitch is going down." I laugh evilly.
"I'm sorry but that's going to be you." He responds. Everyone else was quite watching either mine and Mitch's screen. I eat my apple and sneak up behind him and out on a few hits. He had the same thing as me except he had a small advantage with diamond boots. He yells in surprise and starts running away.

I notice he tries to eat an apple himself but I hit hi before he can finish the action. I (I could so easily put bang) hit him a few more times knowing he must be low.
"No... Please no." He begs still running from my iron sword.

"Swaggity Swaggity (is that right I have no idea) Im coming for the booty." I joke before finishing him off. "Yes!" I exclaim loudly everyone shouting.

After awhile we decide to go to bed. I was sleeping on the couch before I feel someone shake my shoulder. My eyes flutter open and I see Lachlan above me with his finger over his lips to tell me to be quiet. I sit up and he whispers, "Were pranking Mitch. Want to join?" I immediately nod suspecting this would happen. We head upstairs ,all six of us, and grab the whipped cream and cherries.

We were definitely doing a cliché prank but I voted make him a Mitch sundae rather than putting his hand in warm water. I take the whipped cream and put some in his hands and put a cherry on my small pile then Preston tickles him. He stays asleep when he smears his face with the cream and cherry.

He shoots up practically screaming as we laugh on the sidelines.
"You should've seen you face!" I chuckle clutching my stomach because I'm laughing so hard His whole lower and part upper face is covered in cream.
"Oh come on Tori. I want a kiss."

My stomach twists at his request letting the butterflies grow. A kiss? He must've noticed by his facial expression. The other guys make small 'ooooo's while I join all my thoughts together.

Then, I do as he wanted and kiss him getting a mouthful of whipped cream but also a sweet pleasure of having his lips against mine.


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