Mitch imagine for Danielle

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This imagine is for Danielle hope you enjoy :) it's a kind of small but I personally love it #relationshipgoals 💁

I sighed as Danielle rests her head on my shoulder. I took her out for a picnic in this clearing in the woods I found earlier in my life.
"The sunset was beautiful." She explains smiling.
"Not as beautiful as you." I kiss the top of her head.
"You're so cheesy Mitch." She laughs.
"I know but I'm only really cheesy for you."
"Aww thanks you cheeseball."
"I love you so much Danielle."
"I love you too, Mitch." She starts getting up. "I guess we should get home." I grab her wrist before she walks away.
"No. I want to see the stars with you." She nods and lays down next to me ours head touching. I play with hair as the sterling white spots start appearing in the dark dome. I search the sky for constellations finding a few.
"You know, of all these stars in the sky, I haven't seen one brighter than you." I comment receiving a small giggle out of her.
After awhile I hear soft snores coming out of her. I slightly laugh trying not to wake her up. I pick her and everything else up. I put everything in the back and her in the passenger's seat soft snores escaping her lips. I loved her so much. I smile at her peacefulness and make sure to fasten the seat belt. I drive home and tuck her into bed.
"I love you Danielle." I whisper kissing her forehead. She smiles as I pull away and I cuddle into her falling asleep next to the girl of my dreams.

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