Preston imagine for Kaylia

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I know not every single detail is the same but the picture is y inspiration (tell me if you can't see it)

Kaylia's POV
"Where are we going?!" I ask giggling.
"Shh. Were almost there." Preston tells me making me smile. He was covering my eyes and told me that we were going on a date, but it was a surprise, and he was covering my eyes while we were walking. Someing crunched under our feet every time we stepped so I suspected we were in the forest, aka one of my favorite places.

"Are we there yet?" I ask after two minutes. He laughs and says no as we continue to walk. Finally he stops and counts down before uncovering my eyes revealing a table in the center of a clearing. Small fairy lights hang around on the trees and candles fill mason jars as a centerpiece of the red-clothed table. "T- this is amazing!" I say hugging Preston tightly. "How did you do all of this?" I ask making him blush.

"I had a bit of help." He responds and as if on cue the rest of The Pack and his family emerge from behind trees.
"Oh my Gosh guys! Thank you so much." I thank them making them all smile.

"We'll leave you guys to your date and see you guys later." Rob speaks for all of them. Preston thanks them too and they leaves down the path we came on. We walk up to the table and Preston pulls out a chair for me and I sit down thanking him. All of the sudden Keeley comes back and sets down a boom box on the small nervy table and presses play saying sorry and runs away. We both laugh at her sudden appearance and start on the meal in front of us listening to the soft music coming out of the speaker.

After dinner we start talking about random things as if we were a new couple just starting to get to know each other, but we've been a couple for two years now. "Thank you so much, Preston. For everything."
"Don't thank me yet." He gives me a small smile.

"What?" I ask confused.
"We've been together for two years now and it amazes me. When I first laid eyes on you my heart melted, and I knew it would never do it again. You are perfect and I love you so much and if something happened between us I'd climb every mountain to get you back. I love you to Pluto and back and if I had to make the journey for you I would. I love you so much."

It seemed to happen in slow motion. His hand reached for his back pocket. He got up out of his chair slowly descending to the ground. He hand comes forward revealing a small black box and he opens it making my heart beat a million times a second.

"Kaylia *insert last name here* will you marry me?" I sit speechless, but quickly nod not wanting to make him wait and he smiles the biggest smile I've seen him smile and he slides the beautiful ring onto my finger kissing me in the process.

When our lips leave each other we hearing clapping from all around from everyone making us both blush. Mitch and Jerome whistle making us laugh and we kiss again.

I was happy that I would be Preston's forever.

I feel weird about this because sooner or later I wanted to make a preference about him proposing to you but idk now plus I already have a Lachlan one made and idk so ya


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