Where you guys plan to honeymoon

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Vik: both of you were born in the UK and wanting to go somewhere different you so you guys chose to try out Maui (Hawaii)

Lachlan: you both thought long and hard about where you two should honeymoon. Asking some friends, Josh (one of the sidemen) recommended Greece. You both looked into it and it seemed perfect for you two.

Rob: Rob is a total romantic. He loves when he brings you flowers by surprise seeing you face beam with joy so why not take you to the love capital of the world? Paris. He already spoke French quite well so it made it even better.

Mitch: You two didn't want to be the typical husband and wife that goes someplace tropical or warm so you decided to go to Alaska. It was just like Canada so you two were used to the chilly weather and enjoyed seeing the wildlife and other natural beauties Alaska offers.

Jerome: At first you two didn't even think about a honeymoon at first. You just wanted to stay home and tell all your relatives to leave you all alone for a week just like a real honeymoon but in the end you both decided that getting away could be nice so you both decided to go to The Caribbean.

Preston: You wanted to travel everywhere, but unfortunately you two couldn't so you decided on Tokyo. Sure, neither of you knew Japanese (besides maybe bits and pieces from watching anime) but you two both still loved it and couldn't wait to visit it again.

A/N (Important)
Yeah... I'm not going to do 100 parts I'm definitely going over
After I wrote all the requests for I had 90 saves parts and the ratio between preferences and imagines would be too much of a gap so I'm not taking any personal requests anymore at all I might do like "Vik imagine for anyone" maybe but not that many also ships comment some ships (please no Merome I just can't do Merome and please don't hate me or ask why)


Story time with Kylie:
So my friends and I were trying to plan to do something before school starts and we were going to sees movie. My friends dropped like flies saying they couldn't go except one who said she might go depending on what time and in the end it was just me and a guy and we just got ice cream because I really wasn't in the mood for a movie and it was literally just him and I. Something happened with my sister that made me worry it was more than just hanging out but I got there and he was already there and we got our ice cream and paid for our own. Like five minutes later I looked down and saw my ice cream was dripping on my white shorts and I just wanted to leave because I was so embarrassed but we just talked about video games (I'm that person who doesn't know many video games but the ones I do know I know a a lot) and stuff but you could smell the tension in the air but maybe that was just me idk.

That was my day! How was yours?

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