Texts after a breakup pt 1

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So you do make up in all the texts and most of them are you seeing him "kissing" another girl but idk I just got the idea and though they would be cute (I LOVE JEROME'S SO MUCH OMG) btw these are a lot cuter is you read them in the font Thonburi

P- Preston
Y- you


Today 7:34 PM
P- hello

Y- stop texting me

P- please (Y/N). It wasn't was it seemed

Y- it seemed like you were making out with another women who happened to be my ex best friend!

P-but she came to me I didn't go to her! I swear (Y/N). Please.

Y- I'm sorry Preston but I can't deal with this drama anymore. The fans hate me anyway. I didn't ask for all this hate either you know.

P- Of course I know. You are the most beautiful, smart, caring, awesomest person I know.

Y- you should've told me that when you called me a pleb ya pleb

P- but I'm your pleb :D

Y- ugh.

Y- I hate you sometimes

P- So?

P- can we try again?

Y- I guess...

P- I love you (Y/N) :D <3

Y- love you too Pearston <3

J- Jerome Y- you
Today 8:23 PM
J- (Y/N)?

J- please

J- just hear me out

J- I really care about you and I'd do nothing to hurt you.

J- I love you (Y/N)

J- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

J- will you please just reply so I know you're okay?

Y- The thing is, I'm not okay.

Y- you broke what was left of my heart when I saw you kissing her.

J- I'm so sorry (Y/N). I know this may not be important anymore but she was the one who started kissing me.

J- Turst me, I'd never do anything to hurt you

Y- you spelt trust wrong you idiot

J- *truet

J- *trust

J- will you forgive me (Y/N)? Please?

Y- sure.

Y- but only because your spelling mistake was cute

J- I live you

J- *love

Y- that one was on purpose wasn't it?

J- maybe :)

Y- you're such a dork sometimes

J- :P

Mitch (it's pretty obvious who is who at this point)

Today 2:34 AM

M- I can't believe you (Y/N)!

M- I can't believe you'd do that too me!

Y- what?

Y- Mitch what are you talking about?

M- don't okay that card with me. I hate you. We're through.

Y- wait Mitch.

Y- I swear I have no idea what you're talking about.

M- check social media

Y- Mitch. That picture is fake.

Y- I never kissed Lachlan I swear.

Y- like that at least. It was a dare like three months ago.

Y- someone must've leaked it.

Y-I swear it was nothing.

Y- just ask him

M- (Y/N)...

M- I'm so sorry I accused you of cheating

M- will you forgive me?

Y- Mitch, payout know I can't stay mad at you for long :P

M- I love you so much (Y/N) <3

Y- love ya too Mitchypoo <3

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