Mitch imagine for Savannah

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one second he's all cute and smiley with his white teeth and next thing you know he looks like a sex god drinking alcohol like God shouldn't give people this power

(I really need to start saying who requested what I will soon I promise)
To Savannah: I couldn't find out how to make going to the zoo exciting so I decided to write truth or dare because it goes from 0 to 100 real quick

I'm in here because I love giving dares 💁🏻
also you and Mitch aren't a thing in the beginning just good friends

"I'm bored..." Jerome groans making Mitch and I snicker.
"I know what we could do!" Kylie walks in smirking.
"Oh God please don't say what I think you're going to say." Mitch groans thrusting his head back.
"Come on. Truth or Dare, Mitch." She says sitting next to Jerome on the couch.

"Truth." She sighs obviously wanting him to say dare but gives him a truth anyway.
"Okay. Would you rather date Jerome or Savannah?" Mitch blushes and I laugh and he looks at me.
"Uh... Savannah..." He trails off making me blush.
"Thanks, biggums." Jerome says sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"I ship it." Kylie smiles walking over siting on the other side of Mitch so he has to sit closer to me.
"Shut up." Mitch mumbles the color draining from his cheeks.
"Come on," Jerome says siting next to me making me scoot closer to Mitch. I was practically in his lap since this couch wasn't made for four people. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Jerome and Kylie chant.

"We aren't going to kiss." Mitch states sternly. I frown to myself not saying anything and Kylie arches an eyebrow.
"Okay." She states simply getting up to return to her spot on the chair. "Savannah, truth or dare. You better say truth."
"Truth." I say and she smirks.

"If you got the chance, would you kiss Mitch?" Butterflies fly in my stomach knowing the obvious answer was yes, but should I say that?
"Y- yeah." I stutter making Mitch look at me, his face unreadable.

"I dare you two to kiss." Jerome states making both of us eye him. Our eyes land on each other again and I sigh leaning in feeling him do it too. We're actually about to do this.

His lips brush against mine then we actually kiss making fireworks go off in my stomach. I was kissing him. My best friend, the one I've liked forever, I'm kissing him.

We pull away and he smiles. "So uh, want to date?" Mitch asks rubbing the back of his neck.
"Of course." I state and kiss his cheek.

"We're so good." Jerome mumbles and Kylie nods as they fist bump.

I really need to write something long I will soon hopefully

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