Lachlan imagine for Teagan

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Hope you enjoy :D ❤️

Note: just imagine you're like really afraid of the ocean and btw you and Lachlan haven't started dating yet

I stood in the shoal of the water taking deep breaths walking down the small slope to where my thighs were halfway under water.

This is a good start.

I tell myself and turn around only to be knocked into the water by a great force slamming into me. I'm knocked into the water with my head going completely underwater sending my body into a panic attack and all I see is black.


"Someone call an ambulance!" I hear a male voice shout making me head pound. When I try to speak only a deep groan escapes making the male above me sigh in relief. "Hey? Are you okay? Groan twice if you're conscious." He says and I does as he sighs. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to full on ram into you. I feel so bad. God I'm such an idiot, and why am I talking?" He rambles making me smile as much as I could without blacking out again. Everything pretty much hurt at this point.

"An ambulance is coming... I think." I slightly nod making me cry out in pain as it shoots up my spine. He curse under his breathe and I cruel feel other people around us. "Umm don't move. They shouldn't be much longer. Think you can hang in until they can?" He asks making me want to slap him. Last time I responded I almost blacked out again. "Crap um groan twice for yes." I do so and he smiles. "I'm Lachlan by the way." He states when all of the sudden I hear sirens in the distance.

-Lachlan's POV-

"Are you here for the girl at the beach?" A nurse asks and I nod and she motions for me to follow her. "We couldn't find her parent's contacts or any other family members. You're all she's got kid." I solemnly nod and she stops in front of a room I'm suspecting is her's. "Oh and by the way, her name is Teagan." I quickly thank the nurse and walk in seeing Teagan with her eyes closed. Her hair was in all directions on the pillow and her eyes were closed making me smile by how beautiful she looked.

I'll admit, I was attracted to her when I first saw her, just the way her eyes looked with fear the blue ocean that made me just want to hug her and tell all of the great things about the ocean so she could forget the bad.

Her eyes shoot open as I sit down and she looks me wincing with a subtle smile. "I'm honestly surprised you're here." She explains, he tone weak.
"Why?" I ask. There's millions or different reasons, I just wanted to know which one it was.
"Because... I'm not actually sure. I guess just because you're a stranger to me. I'm a stranger to you."

"Not anymore," I explain with a shrug. "You know my name is Lachlan. The nurse told me your name is Teagan, right?" She simply nods turning her head away from me looking out the window.

-three months later-

Teagan's POV
I brushed through my hair again making sure it was completely detangled smiling when I was satisfied with my appearance finally. My stomach was filled with butterflies as I take a deep breath before grabbing my purse and phone heading out the door.

"Hey." Lachlan greets meeting me halfway.
"Hi." I greet holding my sweaty palms in each other. Lachlan and I have been having regular meetings and to be honest... I've enjoyed them a lot.

"What you'd like to do today?" He asks making me blush involuntarily. I swear this boy does things to me...
"I'm not sure." I shrug trying to hold down the butterflies. Does Lachlan feel this way around me? I kind of hope he does. If he is he's doing a good job hiding it.
"Are you okay? You seem nervous." He explains arching an eyebrow making me blush even more. I felt like a bottle rocket ready to explode.

"I- it's just I- really... like you I guess." I explain feeling the weight off my chest be lifted.
"I like being with you too, Teagan. I've been wanting to ask you this, but would you like to be my girlfriend? I mean I would ask you one date, but if you say yes, this could be our first." A similar blush creeps up on his cheeks making me smile and nod.

"I'd love to." I explain taking his hand in mine and kissing his cheek.

if you request a personal imagine I will not respond for right now. Read the title. I might just make this like an everlasting book but idk yet. Even if I did I would not accept imagines right now
I hate having to turn people down it makes me sad but I'm actually really busy and will be with my new school

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