You find out about his crush on you pt. 2

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You were flying back home, finally from the holidays with your family. You're bringing your cousin too because he wants to meet your friends and his new collage campus is nearby. You haven't told them about your cousin and how he's coming over. Rob texts you every five minutes making sure your plane hasn't crashed. You giggle at his cute smiley faces after every time you tell him you haven't died. You guys get off the plane immediately hugging Rob, then Preston who stands next to him.
"Who's this?" Your cousin asks.
"Him? This is Robert, or Rob, were best friends you could say." Rob's face tightens as he shakes your cousin's hand. "See ya later y/n, love you." He kisses your cheek and you give him a hug before he walks away. Rob shoots you a glare.
"Who is that?!" He practically screams. Jealousy laces his voice. For whatever reason he's jealous of your cousin you use it to your advantage. Does he like you? He must.
"Him? That's my boyfriend. He just recently broke up with my sister and we hit it off. I'm moving in with him." You lie trying to make it as realistic sounding as possible. Anger flashes across Rob's face.
"You are not moving in with him!" He commands. You smile childishly and punch him in the arms playfully.
"Don't worry you pleb that was my cousin duh." Rob stares at you in disbelief for a second Preston laughing hysterically.
"Oh.." Rob nervously smiles scratching the back of his neck. You stand on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek.
"That was very sweet of you though." Red rushes through his cheeks as he takes your carry on for you.


You and Lachlan were out at the park trying to get inspiration for an upcoming project. Your because you guys have come up with nothing. You see a giant tree and get an idea.
"I bet I can beat you getting to the top of that tree." You say.
"Okay wh-"
"Go!" You sprint off toward the tree and start climbing it immediately. There's no sign saying you can't climb it so why not? You get half way up the tree looking down seeing Lachlan having difficulty.
"Oh my God Y/N! So unfair!" He whines you just let out a laugh. You step on what seems like a sturdy branch but fall down hitting the ground. It wasn't a bad fall, you land on your butt. Tears pool in your eyes from the pain but you keep them back. Lachlan jumps down from the tree as fast as he cans and races over to you.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" You slightly nod your head but pain races through your body. You look back at your left leg seeing it twisted in an unright angle. Just seeing it makes you want to gag and cry. You lean into his shirt slightly sobbing while he rubs your back. Someone called the ambulance and your rushed to the hospital.
Lachlan and Rob help you into the house. Luckily it was just a broken leg, the doctor said it could've been a lot worse. They set you down on your bed propping your leg up on a pillow. You thank them.
"Want a blanket?" Lachlan offers. You nod giving he a small smile before he heads out of your room. You lay your head down letting out a small grunt before you hear whispering.
"I feel sorry for her." Rob explains. You can't see their faces you can just hear their voices. You don't a response from the other person. "True... I wonder when he's going to tell her. He can't keep it from her that long." What is Rob talking about? Is he talking about me? Who's trying to keep something from me?
"To be honest, I'm surprised Y/N hasn't found out about his crush." Vikk says back. That must've been the other person from the beginning.
"I feel bad for Little Lachy. Having to keep it from her. You can tell he really loves her." Butterflies fill your stomach. Does he really like you? Maybe they were playing a trick. Maybe they were just trying to prank you. Lachlan comes back in with a blanket in his hands. He covers your legs. You thanks him and he walks toward the door.
"Wait!" You stop him, he turns around slowly walking back over to your bed. "Can you stay with me?" You ask softly. A confused look flashes across his face before he nods. He crawls in on the other side of the bed wrapping his arms around your torso. You think it wasn't a prank so you risk saying it, "I have a crush on you too." He looks down at you smiling as he kisses your forehead softly.

You, Vikk and Preston were helping Preston's sister move into her new apartment. You guys were taking a break while Preston and his sister drove to go get some food. You both sit on the newly added couch on your phone.
"I'm using the bathroom." Vikk explains getting up and leaving the room. You notice he left his phone since it's in the middle of the couch. You look at the text Preston just sent incase it was important... mainly you were just being nosy. It says, "you're going to have to tell Y/N about your crush sometime soon! She totally has a crush on you too, just ask her out already." You smile reading the text. Vikk comes back noticing your smile.
"What are you smiling at?" He asks smiling back at your smile.
"Oh nothing." You say sarcastically. You can tell he doesn't believe you, but ignores spit and scrolls through his feed. You lean over and kiss his cheek, red flowing through.
"I saw the text." You explain, him just giving a soft, nervous smile.

I'm not updating daily maybe one a week (including both parts) because these took me two days to write 😂 plus I have my other fanfics 🌚 comment your favorite and maybe some suggestions I'm not creative enough to come up with all the ideas 😂 btw this is just like the pilot I may not continue writing this if people seem to like it then I will if not then I won't simple :) just if I get a fair amount of reads that's it <3

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