Jerome imagine for Amber

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Amber's POV
"Amber?" Jerome ask leaning onto the doorway. I look up from my phone and he asks his question, "want to do a video with me?" He asks making my stomach twist. Ever since I met him and learned more about him doing a video with him sounds awesome, but the fans seem to hate me.
"I'm not sure. You're fans probably won't like it." I sigh even though I'd love to.

"Please. It'll be fun I promise." My mind runs on with a billion things that could happen from the fans liking it and starting to like me to I'm chased out by an angry mob of fangirls. I keep denying seeming to only think the worse, but after awhile finally say yes to some unessential bribing I say,
"Yes! Get your makeup."

I nod smiling and grab all my makeup I have and bring it into the living room.


"Hey guys it's Jerome here with my girlfriend, Amber." I give a small wave standing next to Jerome to the camera Mitch was holding.
"And I'm the camera man!" Mitch exclaims turning the camera towards his face and smiling.
"Anyways we are doing something special today. What is that Amber?" He asks pointing to me.

I scoop up some makeup and brushes and turn back towards Mitch smiling and explaining that we were doing the "girlfriend does my makeup".

"What do I need to do?" Jerome asks. I stand not exactly in front of him but to the side so I don't block the camera as Mithc moves around catching angles etc.
"Just keep still." First I apply the bb cream and he smiles probably because it's cold.

Then I apply a rosy shade of blush and move aside so Mitch can get a good view commentating while I do so. "Look up for me," I command which he does and I apply mascara and eyeliner. "What color do you think would be good for his eyes?" I ask Mitch who points to a realist green. I apply the color making Mitch give a thumbs up with a laugh.

"You know how to apply lipstick, right Jerome?" I questions trying to pick out a good shade ending with a reddish pink.
"I think. You just smack your lips together right?" Mitch and I both nod and I get ready to apply it.
"Open you mouth," which he does and I apply it turning his lips the same color as the stick.

"Voila!" I finish stepping aside so Mitch can move the camera around his face.
"Do I look pretty?" Jerome asks sarcastically batting his now dark eyelashes. We both nod trying to hold in laughs and hand him a mirror. First he gives a horrified look poking at his face. "Wh- what is this?!" He dramatically motions around his face making us both laugh out loud.

"Well anyways this has been "girlfriend does my makeup" with my now beautiful boyfriend and I think he's going to go and wash this off." I joke making him roll his eyes.
"I'll see you guys in the next video and goodbye." He finishes off. Mitch turns the camera off then laughs at Jerome clutching his stomach.

"You. Look. Fabulous." Mitch chuckles about to fall on the ground.
"Yeah, yeah yeah." Jerome waves him off getting up from his chair. He kisses my cheek leaving a red stain on my cheek making me smile. "I'm going to wash this stuff off." He flashes a peace sign before walking out the door to the bathroom. "Amber! I need your help!" He yells after the sound of bottles spilling making Mitch and I laugh as we go to help the poor man.

Progress.... I still have like nine though...

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